Job Posting

Ensure you have completed all prior steps for recruitment before proceeding.


1. Determine whether you need to post

Positions that do NOT need posting:

  • Casual staff positions do not need to be posted (though we recommend posting).
  • Excluded student positions do not need to be posted.
  • Reappointments (extensions of existing roles) do not need to be posted.
  • Management and Professional Staff (MAPS) positions that have received approval by the AVP, HRHSE for an exclusion to post.
  • Additionally, consult your HR Partner if the MAPS position meets the following three conditions:
    • The position has been held by an incumbent in an acting capacity or on an interim basis for a period of time sufficient to determine their suitability for the role.
    • The incumbent has already competed to join the university.
    • Approval is given by the Appointing Officer (the most senior administrator for an academic or administrative unit).

No, I don’t need to post. Skip the rest of the steps on this page.

Yes, I need to post. Proceed to the next step on this page.

2. Complete the job posting + recruitment services request form

Fill in the Job Posting + Recruitment Services Request Form

  • Positions are posted on the U of A Careers website for a minimum of five business days.
  • If you wish to post a position that is restricted to internal applicants, please indicate that in your request.
  • To recruit from within your faculty, department or unit only, please engage your HR Partner.
  • Additional requirements for academic staff postings:
  • The Shared Services Talent Acquisition, Immigration and Records team will automatically add in the standard university statements as appropriate:
    • About the university.
    • Information on benefits.
    • Accommodations.
    • Equity, diversity and inclusivity.
    • Immigration (if applicable).

Utilize your ideal candidate information to draft your posting

  • Encourage Diversity:
    • Use inclusive language to attract a diverse pool of candidates. Avoid biased language that might discourage certain groups from applying (e.g. gender biased language).
    • Consider flexible hiring criteria to prioritize potential and transferable skills, allowing for a broader range of candidates with diverse backgrounds and experiences.
  • Clarity is Key:
    • Keep it short and to the point.
    • Avoid jargon and acronyms.
    • Have a clear job title and use applicable keywords to improve visibility on job boards and search engines.
  • Candidate Focus:
    • Ensure candidate can quickly assess if they are a good fit.
    • What’s in it for them… highlight the unique aspects of the role and the impact they can make.
    • Use inviting and personalized language to address the candidate directly (e.g. come join… you will…).
  • Highlight Culture:
    • Within the department/faculty summary give candidates an idea of what it’s like to work within your team.
4. Submit the form

Submit the Job Posting + Recruitment Services Request Form and any required documentation, such as:

  • budget approval.
  • hiring approval.
  • approval from HR Partner for leave coverage extending over one year, if applicable.

When requesting a posting for a position exempt from hiring and/or posting approval, identify how it meets the exemption criteria.

Submit to the Staff Service Centre

5. Shared Services processes

Shared Services Talent Acquisition, Immigration and Records completes the following:

  1. Reviews the form to ensure:
    • Compliance with university policies and procedures and collective agreements and handbooks for posting and advertising.
    • Accuracy with the position information in PeopleSoft and the job evaluation.
    • Compliance with related legislation including federal requirements and guidelines for advertising a position to foreign nationals.
  2. Coordinates the Recall and/or Duty to Accommodate process, if applicable (see definitions below).
  3. Provides updates throughout the process to those identified on the Job Posting and Recruitment Services Request Form as contacts.
  4. Enters the position into the Career Portal and publishes it to the U of A Careers website (if no Recall and/or Duty to Accommodate candidate is successfully matched to the role). Informs the hiring manager via their Staff Service Centre ticket that it is live.
  5. Creates a shared Recruitment Folder to store all documentation gathered during the recruitment process. Access is based on the information provided on the Job Posting and Recruitment Services Request Form.


Job postings require review time and depend on other processes such as recall, duty to accommodate, consultation for hiring a foreign national and validation of job evaluation.

As such, timelines can vary, and the Shared Services Talent Acquisition, Immigration and Records team will continue to update the hiring manager and the HR Partner with the posting progress. If you have any questions about the status of your posting, please respond to the original ticket posted — do not submit a new ticket.



When support staff and academic professional officers (APOs) are disrupted from a continuing role, they may become part of the recall list -- a group of people who can be contacted and offered new positions with the university if their qualifications match a job posting.

As part of the university’s obligation within the NASA Collective Agreement and the Academic Professional Officer (APO) Agreement, the Shared Services Talent Acquisition, Immigration and Records team reviews support staff roles (with a duration of more than 12 months) and APO roles to see whether someone on the recall list is a potential match for the position.

If a potential match is identified, the posting is held for review. The Shared Services Talent Acquisition, Immigration and Records team will contact the HR Partner for additional information and to discuss next steps.

Duty to Accommodate (DTA)

Staff may need to take a leave from the university due to illness or injury, and they may not be able to continue their previous role when they return to work.

Duty to Accommodate is an institutional obligation and a shared responsibility between the university and a member of the university community requiring accommodation. This means the university helps find a suitable role that accommodates the abilities of the staff member. All support and academic postings are reviewed by Shared Services and if a potential match is found, a Return to Work Consultant will reach out to the HR Partner.

Hiring a Foreign National?

If applications are open to foreign nationals, there are additional steps you must take. Learn more

Need Support?

Shared Services can provide recruitment support related to the following:

  • Job postings
  • Recruitment folder set-up
  • Initial screening
  • Immigration
  • Recall and duty to accommodate
  • Reference checks
  • Moving and relocation
  • Records management
  • Offer letters

If your faculty, department, or unit is a Recruitment Pilot participant, learn more  about how to access services for your hiring needs.

Your HR Partner  can provide support for interviews at the leadership level and any other questions throughout the steps for recruitment.