Incident Management

Incident management is one element of the Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS), which is a framework of policy, procedure and program-level documents in support of safe working and learning activities at the University of Alberta.

U of A senior administrators, supervisors, staff and students have legislated and university-mandated roles and responsibilities related to incident management.

Report an Incident open in a new tab

Reportable Incidents

When university people or property are involved, you must report the following:

The Government of Alberta requires that all serious and potentially serious incidents be reported immediately to Alberta Labour and Immigration.

Serious Incidents 

  • Injury or incident that results in the death of a worker.
  • Injury or incident that results in a worker being admitted to the hospital (as an inpatient).
  • Unplanned or uncontrolled explosion, fire or flood that causes (or had the potential to cause) a serious injury.
  • Collapse or failure of any part of a building or structure that is necessary for its structural integrity.
  • The collapse of a hoist, crane or derrick.

Report all Other Serious Incidents

  1. Call the Control Centre at 780-492-5555.
  2. Report your incident, provide your phone number and request a call back from the on-call HSE person.
  3. Complete and submit an incident report open in a new tab

Report all injuries related to university activities, including research, work and learning.

Report an Injury

  1. Complete and submit an incident report open in a new tab.
  2. Ensure that you have notified your supervisor and include their name and email in the form.
  3. You and your supervisor may need to file a Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) report as detailed below.

Report all exposure or possible exposure to hazardous chemicals, radioisotopes and biological materials (including human blood or other body fluids). 

Examples of Exposures to Hazardous Substances

  • Needlestick injuries during work with animals or clinical placements.
  • Inhalation of hazardous vapours.
  • Accidental ingestion of hazardous substances.
  • Skin or mucous membrane contact with hazardous substances.

Report Exposure to a Hazardous Substance

  1. Complete and submit an incident report open in a new tab.
  2. Ensure that you have notified your supervisor and include their name and email in the form.
  3. You and your supervisor may need to file a Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) report as detailed below.

Report all "close-call" events or scenarios where there is a potential for serious injury, hazardous spill or release, or property damage.

Examples of Near miss Events or Health + Safety Violations

  • Workplace activities or behaviours that compromise government or university health and safety policy, regulations or guidelines.
  • Unsafe conditions, such as unsecured gas cylinders, improper disposal of hazardous waste or improper storage of chemicals.

Report a Near miss Event or Health + Safety Violation

  1. Complete and submit an incident report open in a new tab.
  2. Ensure that you have notified your supervisor and include their name and email in the form.
  3. You and your supervisor may need to file a Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) report as detailed below.

Report all incidents involving property damage that results in a loss exceeding $500.

Examples of Property Damage that Must be Reported

Report Property Damage

  1. Complete and submit an incident report open in a new tab.
  2. Ensure that you have notified your supervisor and include their name and email in the form.
  3. You and your supervisor may need to file a Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) report as detailed below.

Report all uncontrolled releases of hazardous materials, including spills and emissions, that pose a risk to human health and to the environment.

Report a Spill or Other Uncontrolled Release of Hazardous Material

  1. Complete and submit an incident report open in a new tab.
  2. Ensure that you have notified your supervisor and include their name and email in the form.
  3. You and your supervisor may need to file a Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) report as detailed below. Report also to Risk Management and Insurance.

To report a collision or other incident involving a U of A vehicle or vehicle used for university-related activities:

  1. Submit an HSE incident form open in a new tab.
  2. Submit a UAPS incident form or call 780-492-5050.
  3. Submit an insurance claim form open in a new tab.
  4. Contact the local police authority to report the incident. Note that the driver must report when damage exceeds $5,000 and/or was caused by a hit-and-run or other criminal act.

The incident form can be used to report incidents such as workplace violence and bullying/harassment. Please note that form submission may automatically trigger notification of your supervisor and other department contacts.

For more information related to reporting incidents involving harassment or bullying, refer to the Discrimination, Harassment and Duty to Accommodate Policy and consult with your HR Service Partner.

Other resources:

WCB Reporting

Staff + Supervisors

  1. You may need to file a WCB report in the event of the following:
    • Lost time or the need to temporarily or permanently modify work beyond the date of the accident, death or permanent disability (amputation, hearing loss, etc.).
    • A disabling or potentially disabling condition caused by occupational exposure or activity (such as a mental health concern, poisoning, infection, respiratory disease or dermatitis, etc.).
    • The need for medical or mental health treatment beyond first aid (as assessed by a physician, psychologist, physiotherapist or chiropractor, etc.).
  2. Follow the WCB process.
  3. Follow up with your supervisor to make sure all reporting is complete.

Students + Supervisors

You must report all incidents and injuries. Follow the WCB process.

Protection of Privacy + Use of Data

  • Information inputted will be automatically collected by HSE.
  • Information will be used to monitor incident trends and investigate incidents at the U of A.
  • The information included in reports may be shared with your supervisor and/or contacts within your department.

All saved reports (if not submitted by the user) will be auto-submitted after 48 hours. If you do not complete all fields in the form, HSE may contact you for additional information.

Protection of Privacy - The personal information requested on this document is collected under the authority of sections 33(a) and (c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information collected will be protected, used and disclosed in accordance with Part 2 of that Act.

Tips for Incident Reporting

Employees, Students


Safety & Security

VP Services & Finance