Working in Facilities or Workshops
In addition to the mandatory training for all U of A faculty and staff, the following courses are intended for university faculty, staff, post-docs and students who will be working in facilities (e.g., Building Services, Utilities, etc.) or in a workshop:
- Asbestos Awareness open in a new tab
- Concepts in Safety Leadership for Engineering 2024 (for Engineering students and staff)
- Defensive Driving open in a new tab
- Fall Protection open in a new tab (Course is under review and currently unavailable)
- Fire Extinguisher open in a new tab
- Respiratory Protective Equipment open in a new tab
- Truck and Trailering Training open in a new tab
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods open in a new tab
- Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) open in a new tab*
Depending on the hazards you will be working with, some or all of the training above may be required. Additional training may also be needed based on the tasks you will be doing.
To determine your individual training requirements, complete a training needs assessment open in a new tab. You must complete all training and demonstrate competency before beginning work.