Employee Orientation Education

People on a virutal meeting

Our employee orientation education is about supporting a positive employee and supervisor experience as they move through the onboarding journey. It advocates for the shared responsibility between employee and supervisor for onboarding and fosters a consistent, coherent experience. Programming provides timely information, tools and hands-on learning that sets employees up for success and helps supervisors lead the onboarding process with confidence and clarity.

Orientation Curriculum

U of A Employee Orientation Course for Employees: Prepare, Discover, Learn

The University of Alberta Employee Orientation Course is designed to help you copilot your onboarding journey and set you on a path where you can thrive and grow in your role. Combined with the U of A Onboarding Program, this self-paced, multimodal and interactive course provides you with a structured overview of the community expectations at the U of A along with education about our current priorities. Throughout the course, you will be equipped with tools and resources to support your onboarding journey.

Learners also have access to optional modules that deepen their understanding of the U of A and how you can set yourself up for success.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explain the components of a 90-Day Plan
  2. Recall important elements from U of A policies and procedures that guide our behaviour
  3. Recognize your role and responsibility in creating a safe and healthy work environment
  4. Match employee categories at the U of A and the associated collective agreements
  5. Outline key components of Indigenous Initiatives and Access, Community + Belonging at the U of A
  6. Define the seven service excellence principles and six service competencies

Audience: This course is intended for FTE Support Staff, MAPS, APOs, and TLAPOs. There are employee categories excluded from this orientation course.1  Employees who are required to complete the orientation will automatically be enrolled in this course. Any U of A employee can also self-enrol open in a new tab. To support your success, employees are required to complete this course within 30 days of beginning their appointment.

Estimated time for completion: 2.5 hours 

U of A Orientation Course For Casual Employees

Recognizing the diverse needs of employees, the U of A Employee Orientation Course for Casual Staff is a streamlined version of the course completed by employees. It covers mandatory topics about the expectations at the university and our service cultures. Throughout the course, you will be equipped with tools and resources to support your onboarding journey.

Learners also have access to optional modules that deepen their understanding of the U of A, its history and current priorities,and how you can set yourself up for success.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the components of a 90-day plan
  • Recall important elements from U of A policies and procedures that guide our behaviour
  • Outline what your role and responsibility is in creating a safe and healthy work environment
  • Match employee categories at the U of A with the associated collective agreements
  • Define the seven service excellence principles and six service competencies

Audience: This course is intended for all casual staff, including Casual 1 FT Students. Casual staff will automatically be enrolled in this course. Any U of A employee can also self-enrol open in a new tab. To support your success, employees are required to complete this course within 30 days of beginning their appointment.

Estimated time for completion: 1.5 hours

1 For additional information about employee categories -  Employee Types + Funding Sources

Staff In-Person Orientation Event

The Staff In-Person Orientation Event is an optional complement to the self-paced, online U of A Orientation Course. In this event you will have the opportunity to build your sense of belonging through opportunities to network with other members of the campus community. You will also connect your learnings from the orientation course to your work by thinking about how you will create impact in your role and Lead with Purpose. Begin to build your connection to the U of A community by meeting other new employees during this 1.5 hour interactive event.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Review the University of Alberta for Tomorrow (UAT) model
  • Critically reflect on how you will contribute to the university and Lead with Purpose
  • Connect with other U of A employees and build a sense of belonging

This session builds on the knowledge developed in the self-paced Employee Orientation Course. It is strongly recommended all session participants complete the online orientation course prior to attending this session.

Note: This session previously included both faculty and staff. To better support the diverse needs of staff and faculty, the session has been streamlined to support staff, MAPS, APOs, and TLAPOs. 

What's Not Covered

  • Employment questions such as access to payroll, benefits, pension, etc. If you have questions about these aspects of your onboarding, reach out to the Staff Service Centre.
  • Orientation to your specific role and work area (i.e. job-specific orientation) is not covered in this session and is the responsibility of your supervisor, manager or leader.
Date Location
April 16, 2025, 9:30-11:30 am in-person - Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA) 1-420, North Campus
September 24, 2025, 9:30-11:30 am in-person
January 14, 2026, 9:30-11:30 am virtual


Workshops that address the curriculum are offered and added throughout the year. Visit the U of A Events hub to find available courses. If you're interested in offering a workshop to your team that currently has no availability, contact org.learning@ualberta.ca to discuss options.

Now available!


The University of Alberta Employee Orientation Course is designed to help you copilot your onboarding journey and set you on a path where you can thrive and grow in your role. Combined with the U of A Onboarding Program, this self-paced, multimodal, and interactive course provides you with a structured overview of the university’s mission, values, priorities and community expectations. Throughout the course, you will be equipped with tools and resources to support your onboarding journey.

To support your success, all new employees are required to complete this course within 30 days of beginning their appointment.*

What the course provides you with

  • Tools and resources to copilot your onboarding journey
  • Timely information to support a smooth onboarding journey
  • An understanding of the U of A’s mission, values, priorities, and important policies and procedures
  • The opportunity to reflect on your service excellence competencies and discuss with your supervisor
  • Tools and resources to help you develop a positive supervisory relationship and prepare for milestone check-ins

How the course works

  1. New employees are automatically enrolled in the course through the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Training site.
  2. Begin the course on or before your first day of work and progress at your own pace, completing it within the first month of your role. Your progress is saved allowing you to pick up where you left off.
  3. Upon completion of the course, download your record of completion. Your supervisor will be notified of your successful completion.
  4. Attend the Faculty and Staff Orientation Event (offered quarterly) upon completion of the course.

If you are a current or transitioning employee who wishes to take the course, you are invited to enroll in the course in the HSE Training site using your CCID.

*Employees who do not have a dedicated computer as part of their role can complete the required training by accessing a campus computer lab. CCID and password is required to log into the computers.

Course Overview


Module 1: Copilot Your Onboarding Journey

Learn about your role and responsibilities, develop strategies to build and maintain your relationship with your supervisor, and access tools and resources to copilot your onboarding journey


Module 2: Who We Are–Leading with Purpose

Learn about the university’s vision, mission, and values and build an understanding of its structure and University of Alberta for Tomorrow (UAT).

Module 3: Our Priorities

Develop an understanding of the two key institutional priorities: 1) Indigenous Initiatives; and, 2) Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity

Module 4: Community Expectations–University Policies and Procedures

Learn about university policies and procedures that govern behaviour to ensure the safety, dignity and inclusion of all members of the U of A community.

Module 5: A Healthy and Safe Workplace

Develop your understanding of Health, Safety and Environment services and expectations to facilitate safe, healthy, and environmentally responsible work, research and learning.

Learn about health, wellbeing, and safe disclosure resources and support available to U of A employees.

Module 6: My Employment

Develop an understanding of your employment relationship by learning about employee types and union associations. Review the terms and conditions of your employment.


Module 7: Creating a Culture of Service Excellence

Develop an understanding of service excellence culture as an organizational priority and shared responsibility. Complete your service excellence self-assessment and prepare for a conversation with your supervisor.

Module 8: Looking Ahead–Learning and Development

Learn about resources, training, and development programming available to you when you are ready to explore new competencies, build your knowledge and expertise, or prepare for new opportunities.

Phase 2 of the Onboarding Program, which is currently under consideration, will expand the scope and topics included in the U of A Employee Orientation Course.

U of A Employee Orientation Course 

The University of Alberta Employee Orientation Course is designed to help you copilot your onboarding journey and set you on a path where you can thrive and grow in your role. Combined with the U of A Onboarding Program, this self-paced, multimodal, and interactive course provides you with a structured overview of the university’s mission, values, priorities and community expectations. Throughout the course, you will be equipped with tools and resources to support your onboarding journey.

To support your success, all new employees are required to complete this course within 30 days of beginning their appointment.*

What the course provides you with

  • Tools and resources to copilot your onboarding journey
  • Timely information to support a smooth onboarding journey
  • An understanding of the U of A’s mission, values, priorities, and important policies and procedures
  • Education about U of A’s safety culture and mandatory safety training for all employees 
  • The opportunity to reflect on your service excellence competencies and discuss with your supervisor
  • Tools and resources to help you develop a positive supervisory relationship and prepare for milestone check-ins

Learn more about the course and how it works.

Access the Course

Phase 2 of the Onboarding Program, which is currently under consideration, will include a orientation course designed to meet the needs of faculty.

Faculty and Staff Virtual Orientation Event

The Faculty and Staff Orientation Event is an optional complement to the self-paced, online U of A Orientation Course. In this virtual event, you will have the opportunity to build your sense of belonging through opportunities to network with other members of the campus community. You will also connect your learnings from the Orientation course to your work by thinking about how you will create impact in your role and Lead with Purpose.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Identify key resources that support employee onboarding 
  • Review UAT model 
  • Critically reflect on how you will contribute to the university and Lead with Purpose 
  • Connect with other U of A employees and build a sense of belonging 

To get the most out of this virtual session, please have access to a microphone and video. This session builds on the knowledge developed in the self-paced Employee Orientation Course. It is strongly recommended that all session participants complete the online orientation course prior to attending the live, virtual session. 

Please note:

  • This session does not cover employment questions such as access to payroll, benefits, pension, etc. If you have questions about these aspects of your onboarding, please reach out to the Staff Service Centre
  • Orientation to your specific role and work area (i.e. job-specific orientation) is not covered in this session and is the responsibility of your supervisor, manager or leader.

Visit the U of A Events hub to register for the virtual orientation.