Using Employee Self-Service Tools

Employees can complete a number of actions related to pay, benefits, time and leave and personal information using Bear Tracks and PeopleSoft HCM.

PeopleSoft HCM can be accessed through Bear Tracks under the Employees tab.

Bear Tracks open in a new tab

For instructions on how to sign in to Bear Tracks and access the Employees tab, view Accessing Employee Self Service From Bear Tracks.


All tutorials related to PeopleSoft HCM are available through  LearnCentre.

LearnCentre provides access to learning opportunities for all employees and groups course content together to provide a complete outline of a particular subject.

[PSHCM] Getting Started in PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft HCM is the tool used to manage employee benefits and time entry.

The [PSHCM] Getting Started in PeopleSoft learning plan will provide an introduction to the basic tools used to navigate and work within PeopleSoft.

This tutorial is a prerequisite for all other PeopleSoft HCM training

Access Tutorials

  1. Click  Applications and Tools Catalogue open in a new tab.
  2. Enter your CCID and password.
  3. Select ‘Applications and Tools’ toward the bottom of the page.
  4. Select 'PeopleSoft HCM Learning Events'.
  5. Select the 'Learning Plans' option under 'Item Types'. A list of available learning plans with a brief description will be provided.
  6. Find '[PSHCM] Getting Started in PeopleSoft' learning plan.
  7. Select the blue square icon to add the plan to your 'My Learning' page.
  8. Click the blue launch icon for each course within the learning plan to begin.