Enrolling in Employee Benefits

The University of Alberta provides eligible employees with a comprehensive benefits package. You will receive an enrolment email from Shared Services once your employee profile is active and you can start the enrollment process.

Visit the Benefit Overview page and select your appointment type to view your Benefit Summary and Enrolment Guide.

You can add your eligible dependents and/or designate your life insurance beneficiary(ies) online within PeopleSoft HCM.



All Online Learning related to PeopleSoft HCM is available within the LearnCentre.

The LearnCentre is a Learning Management System (LMS) at the University of Alberta that provides access to learning opportunities for all employees. Learning plans are used within the LearnCentre to group course content together to provide a complete outline of a particular subject.

[PSHCM] Employee Benefit Enrollment Process learning plan contains two courses related to completing your benefit enrollment process. These courses can be used to help guide you through the Benefit Enrollment Process based on the type of benefit you want to enroll in.

[PSHCM] Employee Benefits learning plan will provide information on how to manage your benefits for various situations such as adding or removing a beneficiary and submitting status changes.

Use Online Learning

  1. Click PeopleSoft HCM Training open in a new tab.
  2. Enter your CCID and Password.
  3. Follow the directions provided on the page and add the '[PSHCM] Employee Benefit Enrollment Process' and '[PSHCM] Employee Benefits' learning plan.

You only need to view the tutorial that applies to your situation. (Employee Only Coverage or Family Coverage)