Life + Other Insurance

Eligibility for the insurance described in this section varies by staff group and appointment. Please refer to your Benefit Summary and Enrolment Guide for details and links to application forms.

Instructions to update your beneficiary or beneficiaries can be found on the beneficiary changes page.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance Coverage
Insurance Coverage
Basic Life Insurance This employer-paid benefit provides a lump sum payment to your designated beneficiary or beneficiaries in the event of your death. If you have not designated a beneficiary, the benefit will be paid to your estate.
Optional Employee Life Insurance

This employee-paid benefit provides additional life insurance.

  • Available in $10,000 units
  • Minimum 1 unit - $10,000
  • Maximum 50 units - $500,000

You may be required to provide medical evidence of insurability.

Optional Dependent Life Insurance

This employee-paid benefit provides insurance coverage for your spouse and dependent children over 14 days of age.

  • $15,000 for your spouse and $5,000 for each child

Dependents may be required to provide medical evidence of insurability.

Basic Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)

This employer-paid benefit provides coverage for accidental death or bodily injury (dismemberment) which occurs while traveling on business for the university.

Note: Support staff employees also have coverage if the accident occurs while you are at work.

Benefit payable:

  • Accidental death: Principal sum as outlined in your Benefit Summary.
  • In the event of dismemberment, a portion of the Principal Sum is paid as outlined in the AD&D benefit table below.

Optional AD&D

This employee-paid benefit provides additional coverage for accidental death and dismemberment, 24 hours per day, both at work and away from work.

  • Available in units of $30,000
  • Minimum 1 unit - $30,000
  • Maximum 16 units - $480,000

Employee or Family coverage is available.

In the event of dismemberment, a portion of total units purchased is paid as outlined in the AD&D benefit table below.

Basic Critical Illness This employer-paid benefit provides a lump sum payment to you should you be diagnosed with one of the covered diseases. Further information can be found in the plan details .

Optional Employee Critical Illness

Optional Spouse Critical Illness

This employee-paid benefit provides a lump sum payable to you should you (or your spouse) be diagnosed with one of the covered conditions found on iA Financial Group open in a new tab.

  • Coverage in units of $25,000 is available for you and/or your spouse
  • Minimum 1 unit ($25,000)
  • Maximum 12 units ($300,000) each

After $25,000 of coverage, medical evidence of insurability is required.

The application is available on iA Financial Group open in a new tab.

For a detailed look at the plan, please refer to the Voluntary Critical Illness Insurance Benefit Summary .

If your spouse is also a benefited employee of the University of Alberta, they are eligible to apply for their own optional critical illness and therefore are not eligible for the optional spousal critical illness under your plan.

Accidental Death + Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance Benefit Payable

Accidental Death + Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance Benefit Payable
Loss or Injury Benefit as Percentage of Principal Sum
Life 100%
Both hands, both feet or both eyes 100%
One hand and one foot 100%
One hand and one eye or one foot and one eye 100%
Speech and hearing 100%
One arm or one leg 75%
One hand, one foot or one eye 66%
Speech or hearing 50%
Thumb and index finger of one hand 33%
Quadriplegia 200%
Paraplegia 200%
Hemiplegia 200%