Performance Assessment for Employees

A variety of methods are used to provide performance planning, feedback and assessment at the University of Alberta. The various assessment tools are listed below and are specific to each Collective Agreement that an employee may fall under.

Academic Staff

Administrative and Professional Officer (APO)

  • The APO and their manager work together to prepare goals for the upcoming year.
  • The APO will complete the Annual Review Document open in a new tab and submit it to their manager prior to April 15 each year.
  • The APO and their manager will review the document and the manager will provide feedback and complete the final copy of the Annual Review. The manager will also review the performance rating with the employee.
  • The manager provides the dean or vice president with the summary comments, performance rating and an increment recommendation.
  • The employee should be advised of the increment recommendations by July 31 each year.

PREPD Appendix open in a new tab

For additional information please refer to your staff agreement or contact your Department Human Resources open in a new tab .

Faculty, Faculty Service Officers + Academic Teaching Staff

Refer to your staff agreement or contact your Department Human Resources contact for additional information.

Temporary Academic Staff

Refer to your staff agreement or contact your Department Human Resources contact for additional information.


Refer to your staff agreement or contact your Department Human Resources contact for additional information.

University of Alberta and AASUA 2018-2020 Collective Agreement - Schedule C (Librarians) open in a new tab

Management + Professional Staff (Excluded)

Refer to your MAPS handbook or contact your department human resources contact for additional information.

PREPD Annual Report Form - MAPS open in a new tab

Support Staff

  • Prior to an employee's review date, the supervisor completes an appraisal document open in a new tab
  • The appraisal document is reviewed with the employee.
  • The supervisor and employee sign the appraisal and the supervisor forwards to Shared Services for processing.
  • In the event that an appraisal is not received by the annual review date, an increment will be automatically awarded.

For further information, refer to the Support Staff Agreement - Common Provisions open in a new tab .

For additional information refer to your collective agreement or contact your Department General Administrator or your supervisor.