Retirement Planning

calculator with retirement plan on screen

Retirement is one of the most exciting and challenging times of our lives. While it is always advised to start planning financially for retirement as soon as you begin working, it is never too late to start planning.

Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment coordinates and organizes regular financial planning and pre-retirement sessions for academic and support staff.

Start here if you’re interested in finding resources and self-serve guides to plan for your retirement — from understanding the financial requirements and benefit plans to your work-life transition and emotional impact.

First Steps

If you are planning to retire from the university, here is practical information to get you started.

If you have any questions, please contact the Staff Service Centre.

Questions to Ask Yourself

It is easier to plan for the future when you have an idea of where you are going and what you want.

  • Are you ready to retire?
  • When will your partner/spouse retire?
  • What will you do?
  • Where will you live?
  • What will your post-retirement look like?
  • Have you worked with a financial planner?
  • Can you afford to retire (and when)?
  • What will your post-retirement expenses be?
  • How will retirement affect your lifestyle?


To help you answer these questions, use one of these checklists:


Pre-Retirement Planning Consultation

Staff and faculty members and their eligible dependents have access to counselling services through the University's Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) to help you to prepare for your retirement years, whether it’s on creating your retirement plan, making the decision to retire or maintaining your health in later years.

View Pre-Retirement Planning View Retirement Benefits

Book an Appointment

Call EFAP directly to make an appointment to speak with someone.

Preparing for Your Retirement E-course

This e-course, available to faculty, staff and their eligible dependents through the University's Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) program, answers some of your biggest questions about preparing for retirement:

  • How will you stay active?
  • How will you stay connected?
  • How does retirement impact your relationships?

This self-paced, self-directed learning opportunity can help you plan the next chapter in your life.

View Preparing for Your Retirement Register at Homeweb open in a new tab

Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment offers pre-retirement planning workshops throughout the year.

Find Workshops