Workplace Suicide Prevention
Suicide has no boundaries. It can affect our families, friends and colleagues. Each year, approximately 4500 people in Canada die by suicide. 1
- 45% of emergency department visits for self-harm or suicide are adults aged 20-39 2.
- 3 out of every 4 suicide deaths are males — 45% of these are 40-64 years of age 2.
- For every death by suicide, at least 7 to 10 survivors open in a new tab are significantly affected by the loss 1.
If you or someone you know is currently at immediate risk, dial 911.
1 Government of Canada, Suicide in Canada: Key Statistics, 2023 open in a new tab
2 Alberta Health Services - Let’s Talk About Suicide, 2023
Buddy Up
The University is a champion for the Buddy Up program. Buddy Up open in a new tab is a suicide prevention campaign offered through the Centre for Suicide Prevention which is a call to action by men for men. The campaign encourages partners, colleagues, friends and family to create opportunities for conversations about mental health and suicide.
Risk Factors
- Family history of suicide.
- Stressful life events (e.g. leaving home for the first time, family changes).
- Living with a serious illness or injury.
- Seriously injuring or causing the death of another (e.g. motor vehicle accident).
- Suffering a major loss of a friend, family member, relationship or possession.
- Fear, embarrassment, or humiliation (e.g. failing school, job loss, not meeting others' expectations).
- Substance abuse.
Warning Signs
There are no guaranteed predictors for suicide. However, there are important warning signs to recognize:
- History of previous threats or attempts.
- Preoccupation with death and/or dying.
- Talking about suicide or death.
- Taking unnecessary risks.
- Giving away possessions or cherished items.
- Change in personality or behaviour.
- Change in sleeping patterns or eating habits.
- Loss of interest in activities that were previously enjoyed.
- Feelings of hopelessness or despair.
- Loss of self-esteem.
- Increased use of substances (e.g. alcohol, drugs).
- Family disruptions (e.g. separation, divorce, death, separated by distance).
How I Can Help
- Talk about it - Talking about suicide will help remove the stigma and encourage people to reach out for help.
- Educate yourself on the risk factors, warning signs, and available resources.
- Trust your instincts and follow through with action if you have suspicions about someone you know.
- Be alert to changes in behaviour.
- If someone's intentions are unclear, ask for clarification, ask if they have a plan.
- Have an open, honest, and frank discussion.
- Listen without judgment.
- Allow the person to talk freely.
- Acknowledge their feelings.
- Ask if there is anything you can do.
- Remain calm, supportive, and patient.
- Be genuine and honest in your concern.
- Encourage and support them in seeking assistance from a mental health/medical professional. Offer to make the call for them.
- Stay with them or make a plan with the person for the next few hours or days.
- If they are reluctant to get help, be firm in your intentions to get assistance for them.
- Contact 911 if the individual is posing a threat to themselves or others.