The primary objective of the Universities Academic Pension Plan (UAPP) and the Public Service Pension Plan (PSPP) is to provide retirement income to participating members. The plans also provide benefits in the event of death or disability. Pension participation varies by staff group and appointment.
In addition to the pension plans provided by the university, there are also the following Government of Canada programs:
Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
All employees are required to participate in the CPP on their appointment date.
- CPP is a contributory plan that provides benefits in the event of retirement, total disability or death.
- You and the university contribute equally to the CPP. Contribution rates and maximums are established each year by the government.
- CPP contributions are held in trust and invested to fund benefits.
Old Age Security (OAS)
As a Canadian resident, you may qualify for a monthly OAS benefit once you reach age 65.
- This benefit is paid from general revenue in the government’s budget.
- Employees and the university do not contribute directly to the plan.
For further information regarding CPP or OAS, please visit Service Canada open in a new tab.