Consider Advertising Needs
External advertising
Include where you would like to advertise in your Job Posting and Recruitment Services Request Form. Additionally, Shared Services can provide recommendations for common advertising publications (e.g. LinkedIn), if indicated within your form.
Paid external advertising is determined based on the publication deadlines and the posting cost approval process. Hiring managers may be interested in paying for external advertising to:
- Target specific industries or candidates with specific expertise
- Reach foreign nationals and align to requirements for advertising to foreign workers
- Attract a more diverse candidate pool
For strategic support related to posting traffic analytics or diversity hiring and advertising, your HR Partner can work with the Centre of Expertise within HRHSE to provide guidance before you make a job posting request through Shared Services.
Hiring a Foreign National?
If applications are open to foreign nationals, there are additional steps you must take. Learn more
Publications for Advertising to Recruit Academic Staff
- Chronicle of Higher Education.
Published every Friday. Space closes 2 weeks previous. - Times Higher Education Bulletin.
Published every Thursday. Space closes 1 week previous. - Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT).
- University Affairs.
- Canadian Journal of Animal Science
Published monthly. Space closes first of month prior to publication. - American Agricultural Economics Association Newsletter (AAEA News)
Published bi-monthly (i.e., Jan/Feb). Space closes 15th of month prior to publication. - CSA News (previously Agronomy News)
Published monthly. Space closes first of month prior to publication. - Journal of Animal Science, Savoy, IL
Published monthly. Space closes 25th of second month prior to publication.
- American Sociology Association (ASA Employment Bulletin)
Published monthly. Space closes first of month prior to publication. - American Anthropological Association Society (AAA Newsletter)
Published monthly. Space closes the 20th of the second month prior to publication. - Modern Languages Association (MLA)
Jobs posted electronically on the website every Thursday. Print edition is published quarterly (Oct, Dec, Feb and Apr). Space closes for print is the 15th of the month prior to publication. - American Psychological Association Monitor, Washington, DC (APA Monitor)
Published monthly. Space closes five weeks previous. - Job Openings for Economists (JOE)
Published monthly. Space closes the 15th of the month previous. Music Vacancy List - published monthly. Space closes the first of month prior publication. - Jobs for Philosophers
Published monthly. Space closes the 15th of month prior to publication.
- Accounting Review
Published quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct). Space closes two months prior to publication date. - MIS Quarterly
Published quarterly (Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec). Space closes the first of the second month prior to publication.
- IEEE Spectrum, New York, NY
Published monthly. Space closes first of month previous. - Chemical Engineering Progress (AICHE), New York, NY
Published monthly. Space closes the first of the second month prior to publication. - Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Newsletter (Canadian Civil Engineer)
Published bi-monthly (i.e. Sept/Oct). Space closes first of month prior to publication. - American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE News)
Published monthly mid-month. Space closes 15th of month prior to publication. - Geotechnical News
Published quarterly (Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec). Space closes first of month prior to publication. - American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY - Mechanical Engineering Magazine
Published monthly. Space closes 25th of the second month prior to publication.
- Canadian Journal of Public Health
Published monthly. Space closes first of previous month. - New England Journal of Medicine, Boston, MA
Published weekly on Tuesdays. Space closes one month prior to publication date. - Canadian Medical Association Journal, Ottawa, ON (CMAJ)
Published bi-weekly on Tuesdays. Space closes one month previous to publication date. - Science, Washington, DC
Published every Friday. Space closes 17 days prior to publication date. - Canadian Journal of Cardiology, Oakville, ON
Published monthly. Space closes first of month prior to publication. - Nature
Published weekly on Thursday. Space closes one week previous. - Canadian Dental Association Journal, Ottawa, ON
Published 11 times per year (July/Aug combined). Space closes 28th of second month prior to publication.
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Alexandria, VA (AACP News)
Published monthly. Space closes first of month prior to publication. - American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Alexandria, VA
Published monthly. Space closes first of month prior to publication.
- ASHA Leader
Published bi-weekly on Tuesday. Space closes two weeks previous. - Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist
- American Physical Therapist Association
- PT Bulletin Online - ads are posted within 38 hours
- PT Magazine published monthly with the space closes the first of the second month prior to publication
- Physical Therapy Journal published monthly with the space closes the 15th of the month, six weeks prior to publication i.e., Nov. 15 for the January issue.
- EOS Transactions, Washington, DC
Published weekly on Tuesday. Space closes eight days prior to publication. - CMS Notes, Ottawa, ON
Published 8 times per year (except Jun, July, Aug, Jan). Space closes the first month prior to publication. - SIAM News, Philadelphia, PA
Published 10 times per year. Space closes the first of the second month prior to publication. - AMS Notices, Providence, RI
Published monthly. Space closes 15th of second month prior to publication. - Liaison, Ottawa, ON
Published quarterly (Oct, Feb, May, Jul). Space closes 15th of month prior to publication. - Actuary
Have a new electronic job posting system known as Job Link. Ads can be posted at any time, however we must prepay. Should allow one week to process payment. - CIA Bulletin
Published monthly, except for July and August. Space closes first of the month prior to publication. - Jobs in Geography
This is a member only site, you will need a member number to post ads. This is a monthly publication with a space closing deadline the first of the month prior to publication. - Canadian Chemical News, Ottawa, ON
Published monthly. Space closes first of the month prior to publication. - Chemical & Engineering News, Westport, CT
Published every month. Space closes every Thursday, eighteen days prior to publication date. - Geotimes, Alexandria, VI
Published monthly. Space closes 15th of second month prior to publication date. - Canadian Association of Physicists/Physics in Canada, Ottawa, ON
Published 6 times per year. - Physics Today, Woodbury, NY
Published monthly. Space closes 25th of second month prior to publication. - CACM
Published monthly. Space closes 15th of month prior to publication
Need Support?
Shared Services Talent Acquisition, Immigration and Support can provide recruitment support related to the following:
- Job postings
- Recruitment folder set-up
- Initial screening
- Immigration
- Recall and duty to accommodate
- Reference checks
- Moving and relocation
- Records management
- Offer letters
Your HR Partner open in a new tab can provide support for interviews at the leadership level and any other questions throughout the steps for recruitment.