Tenant Insurance

Tenant insurance is part of your lease agreement and comes at no additional cost to you. It covers your personal belongings and protects you against loss or damage you may be liable for.


Contents Coverage

Each student will be provided with coverage to protect your personal belongings up to $10,000 — subject to a $500 deductible. The policy provides coverage for all risks of loss or damage subject to exclusions. Claims will be settled on a “replacement cost” basis.


Personal Liability Coverage

If a student is found to be responsible for causing accidental damage to university property or another student’s property (for example, if a student accidentally started a fire in their room) or accidental bodily injury to another person, the policy will respond up to $1,000,000 to pay legal expenses and compensatory damages for which they are found to be legally liable.


Additional Living Expenses*

If as a consequence of an insured loss the student’s residence is unfit for occupancy, the policy will pay the increased expenses (up to $2,500) incurred by the student to obtain temporary housing. For example, if a student moves to a hotel for a few days while their room is being repaired, hotel costs including meals would be covered.

* Residence Services will initially work with any affected students to accommodate them elsewhere within the University of Alberta Residences at no cost to the student. If there is no available space for the student to move to then a claim can be made for Additional Living Expenses.

View insurance brochure for more details


I already have insurance for my personal contents and liability coverage through another homeowner or tenant insurance policy. I do not need to buy additional coverage while I am in residence at the University of Alberta.

The university has purchased a master insurance policy for students living in residence at the university. This insurance is part of your lease agreement and comes at no additional cost to you. This program ensures all students in residence have consistent insurance protection in case of loss or damage to their personal property and/or liability arising from personal activities on or off campus. This insurance is considered ‘primary’ to any other insurance you may have in place or extended to you by another policy (i.e. parents’).

What policy documentation will I receive to confirm this insurance protection?

You will receive a Certificate of Insurance directly from Marsh Canada within 60 days of the start of the semester you join a residence. This certificate will be in your name outlining the insurance coverages provided by this policy along with a website address (marsh.ca/studentinsurance) where you can access the policy wording.

What is usually NOT covered by this insurance protection?

Typical exclusions include wear and tear as well as intentional or criminal acts. Please refer to the policy wording and/or contact Marsh Canada directly to discuss this insurance program.

Does this tenant insurance cover me if I am no longer a tenant of the University of Alberta?

No. This insurance protection is a part of your lease. Insurance protection immediately stops when you are no longer a tenant of the University of Alberta. You must arrange for separate insurance protection through any licensed broker when you leave university residence. The university does not assist in any way in this process.