Incoming Residents

You've submitted your application for residence.

What's next?

Please note: All communications and offers will be sent to your U of A email address, so be sure you are able to log in your University of Alberta email account. While you're there, add to your contact list to make sure your room offer shows up in your inbox.

1. Confirm your residence preferences

You will receive an email in the spring asking you to verify your residence preferences. Review your options in advance to decide where you want to live!

2. Watch for your room offer

If you've applied for the Fall term, the first round of room offers will be sent out in late May. Room offers will continue to be made throughout the summer.*

If you've applied for the Winter 2024 term, the first round of room offers will be sent out in mid-late November.

*Note: Residence Services reserves the ability to suspend an applicant's room offer or renewal if they have an outstanding residence account balance.

3. Inform us of any changes

Send an email to from your U of A email account. Your email must include your full name, U of A student ID number and the reason for canceling.

If you refuse or do not respond to a housing/room offer by the deadline indicated in your confirmation letter (room offer), your application will automatically be cancelled and you will forfeit any fees paid.

Please review our cancellation policy and let us know if you have any questions before cancelling.

4. Prepare for move-in