Guaranteed Housing

The University of Alberta guarantees housing to the following students. Some conditions may apply.

Qualifying Group

Application Deadline

First-Year Undergraduates - applying to Edmonton Campuses

April 30

For Fall term move-in

New International Undergraduates - entering their first year at the U of A
An international student is not a permanent resident nor a Canadian citizen.

April 30

For Fall term move-in

Exchange Students/Visiting Students

April 30

For Fall term move-in

New Transfer Students - new U of A students who are transferring from another post-secondary institution.

April 30

For Fall term move-in

Student Athletes - entering their first year of study at the U of A
A maximum of 15 are chosen by the Faculty of Physical Education

April 30

For Fall term move-in

This guarantee does not apply to Winter Term move-ins. A guaranteed spot in residence does not guarantee choice of residence or room type.