Cleaning Care
Your health and safety, and that of your community, is important to us. As such, we've developed some guidelines to ensure the best standards of cleanliness are maintained. Please care for your home by cleaning up your garbage, supporting our recycling efforts, and reporting maintenance issues and vandalism.
Contract cleaners regularly clean common areas such as stairwells and community areas. Cleanup of personal items and extraordinary or deliberate messes is not part of this regular service. You are responsible for ensuring the cleanliness and tidiness of your unit, in addition to the common areas surrounding your unit.
- Use rubber gloves when using cleaning supplies
- Wear a mask and ensure proper ventilation while using cleaning products
- Let cleaning products soak for a few minutes (especially ovens). This will allow the product to do the hard work.
- Mix cleaning products together - when you combine them they can be toxic
- Use metal scours or abrasive chemicals on surfaces as these items may cause damage leading to future maintenance and cleaning problems
- Use excessive force when cleaning scuffs and marks from painted surfaces as that may remove the paint
- Pour grease, oil, or food down the drain in sinks or bathtubs
- Bring furniture or mattresses into your unit that were found in garbage or recycling areas as these items may contain pests
You’ll need some basic cleaning products to keep your unit fresh and clean. We suggest the following items:
- disinfecting wipes (Clorox or Lysol Disinfecting Wipes)
- multi-surface cleaner (Fantastik, Lysol, Mr. Clean, etc)
- shower, tub, and tile cleaner (Vim, CLR, Lime Away, Scrubbing Bubbles, etc)
- toilet bowl cleaner (Lysol, Clorox, etc)
- window cleaner (Windex, etc)
- cleaning cloths (rags, microfiber cloths, J-cloths, etc.)
- sponges with abrasive side
- Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
- rubber gloves
- broom, mop, bucket or pail
You can get these products from grocery stores, drug stores, the Dollar Store, etc.
You may want to discuss sharing the cost of these items with any roommates you have.
Sample Cleaning Schedule - Apartment
- Clear area of clutter and tripping hazards
- Clear area of clutter and tripping hazards
- Clear area of clutter and tripping hazards
Living Room
- Clear area of clutter and tripping hazards
- Pick up personal items, remove dirty dishes
- Clean spills on carpet - blot excess moisture and treat area with stain remover and cleaner
- Keep emergency door free and clear of large bulky items
- Wash dishes
- Clean food and spills from tables and counters
- Wipe splatters from cooking and washing areas
- Take garbage bags and recycling to Waste/Recycle Centres
- Clean any urine, stains, and spills from floor
- Wipe standing water, toothpaste, gels, etc. from counters
- Sweep and mop the floor and baseboards
- Vacuum floor and baseboards
- Sweep and mop the floor and baseboards
Living Room
- Vacuum floor and baseboards
- Sweep and mop the floor and baseboards
- Wash linens (dish cloths, towels, etc)
- Wipe down cupboard fronts
- Wipe excessive oil and grease from walls and backsplash
- Clean Fridge (expired food, spills, etc)
- Sanitize work surfaces
- Sweep and mop the floor
- Remove soap scum from tub and tiled surfaces
- Wash glass shower doors and mirrors
- Wash linens (towels, washcloths, and floor mats)
- Dust light fixtures
- Remove old notices and tape from door
- Wipe marks and dirt from both sides of door
- Wipe scuffs and marks from walls
- Dust railings
- Dust light fixtures
- Wipe scuffs and marks from walls
- Remove large abandoned or unused items
- Dust light fixtures
- Wipe scuffs and marks from walls
Living Room
- Dust light fixtures
- Wash and dust windows and blinds
- Wipe scuffs and marks from walls
- Dust light fixtures
- Pull out fridge and stove to:
- Sweep and mop dirt and spills
- Check for signs of pests
- Wipe scuffs and marks from walls
- Dust light fixtures
- Wash soap scum from shower doors
- Wipe vanity cupboards and shelves
- Wipe scuffs and marks from walls
It is your responsibility to properly dispose of your waste. Dispose of your waste, recyclables, and organics in the appropriate bins. Please rinse out all recyclables and ensure you empty your garbage frequently to prevent pest problems.You are not required to use a bag for recyclables or organics, but may do so if you prefer.
If residential waste is left anywhere other than in the designated bins and it is traceable to you, it may result in a removal charge being billed to your account. There is an increased charge for a second offence. Persistent offenders may be evicted from residence. Removal costs for untraceable waste left in a stairwell or shared hallway may be charged to all residents of the stairwell/hallway.
Chemicals, car batteries, and other hazardous waste products must not be disposed of in university waste bins. Such waste products should be taken to an Edmonton Eco Station for proper disposal.
Broken glass should be disposed of in a separate garbage bag clearly labelled "broken glass". This bag should be placed beside the garbage cans in your service centre. After all glass has been picked up, vacuum the area - please don't use the vacuum to clean up the large pieces of glass as this will damage the machine. Notify your RA if the glass was residence property or if you require assistance with the cleaning.
It is also your responsibility to dispose of all large, unwanted furnishings. Should you abandon large furniture at move-out, Residence Services will remove the items at a minimum charge of $100. If you have furnishings to dispose of during the year that are still in good shape, consider donating them to Find Edmonton or Goodwill Industries of Alberta. Alternatively, during Eco Move Out each April and July, you can donate used clothing, furniture and household items, personal care items, and food bank items, as well as recycle electronics. Anything that cannot be donated should be disposed of at the Edmonton Waste Management Centre.
Want more recycling tips? Visit the Office of Sustainability.
As the temperature drops, it is very important that all windows are closed, especially when you are away from your unit or lounge. If windows are left open, it can quickly lead to frozen pipes and flooding in your residence building. Damage caused by open windows will result in charges to the students involved.
You will incur charges for any damage to your unit upon move out. You'll likewise be charged in the event of missing equipment or appliances. If you deliberately damage or destroy University property, or the property of a fellow resident, you may face eviction.
Tampering with fire and safety equipment (such as smoke detectors or fire alarms) falls into this category. Such actions are a serious offence and criminal charges will apply.
Residence Services takes the discovery of pests in any residence unit very seriously.
If you see a pest in your unit, please complete a pest control request immediately through the online maintenance request system.
Pests can include bugs or animals such as mice. Residence Services will respond to any pest control request with the recommended and safe treatment for your circumstances.
Avoid attracting pests to your home by:
- Taking out garbage regularly
- Cleaning up spills immediately
- Washing dishes regularly - do not leave them out overnight!
- Regularly disposing of food that has passed its "best before" date
- Taking your recycling out frequently
- Reporting leaking faucets to Maintenance immediately
- Cleaning your bathroom thoroughly and regularly
Visit Ecopest to learn more about pests in the Edmonton area and their prevention and treatment.
Make move out easier by regularly cleaning the fridge and stove! Each month, clean behind your appliances and inside the stove. Also defrost non-frost free fridges. Aluminum foil under stove coils may cause electrical shortages. Please use store-bought liners instead.
You are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the area directly adjacent to your unit. All balconies, patios, yards and grass areas are to be kept clean and orderly. Failure to abide by overall lawn care regulations will result in charges. Your individual balcony is considered a part of your unit and should be left clean at all times. Please do not hang, shake or throw anything from the balcony - you may be evicted if you do, as such action poses a threat to safety. Shared balconies are considered fire exits. As such, storage of personal items on the balconies is prohibited. Do not block them with garbage or furniture.
Entrances, sidewalks, passageways, stairways, landings, vestibules and planter areas should not be obstructed or used for storage of personal property. The University of Alberta reserves the right to remove personal property left in public areas at the resident's expense if it is in violation of this section. If you live in a house with a private sidewalk, you are responsible for ensuring your walk is cleared of snow, up to the public sidewalk. Yards must remain clear of garbage and indoor furniture. Items other than patio furniture may attract mice and other pests if stored outside of units. If your yard is enclosed by a fence, you are responsible for mowing the grass. If your yard is not enclosed, grounds staff will maintain the lawn. You must ensure that all items are removed from the lawn and properly stored at all times.
While basements are considered part of your unit, they should not be used for storage or garbage disposal. You are responsible for ensuring that the area is free of clutter, garbage and abandoned property. Failure to do so is a serious offence due to fire safety implications. It may result in eviction.