

Dr. Ava Chow

Dr. Ava Chow is an Associate Professor in Dentistry in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta.

Dr. Chow’s research program is divided into three different themes. The foundational (basic science) aspect explores the mechanisms that regulate transcellular movement by caveolin proteins as it relates to oral and systemic health. The translational component uses fundamental research to address clinical questions and this stream of research intersects with her role as an educator, as she introduces undergraduate students to the research process in these clinically relevant projects. Finally, Dr. Chow’s educational research focuses on student educational experience as they train to become oral health professionals.


Dr. Daniel Romanyk

Dr. Dan Romanyk is an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering and an Adjunct Professor in the Mike Petryk School of Dentistry. He completed his BSc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta then completed his Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Mike Petryk School of Dentistry in 2016.

His primary research interests include fundamental mechanical characterization and modeling of the response of natural dental biomaterials to applied loading, namely the periodontal ligament and cranial suture tissues; in-vitro biomechanical simulation and design of orthodontic appliances and treatment methods (Craniofacial Biomechanics and Biomaterials); and characterization of synthetic dental biomaterials such as resin-based composites and restorative ceramics.


Dr. Khaled Altabtbaei


Dr. Maria Febbraio

Dr. Maria Febbraio is a Professor in the Department of Dentistry and also serves as the Program Director for the Oral Biology graduate division. Dr. Febbraio’s research focuses on CD36 functions in metabolism and disease using tissue-specific knockout mice, and projects related to inflammation, aggressive periodontal disease, and the impact of epigenetics in long-term risk, using periodontal and cardiovascular disease as a model.

Dr. Febbraio has published more than 100 papers and mentored students from all levels. She is funded by the Department of Dentistry, NSERC, the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada and the National Institutes of Health (USA).


Dr. Paul Major

Dr. Paul Major is the Chair, Mike Petryk School of Dentistry and Senior Associate Dean of Dental Affairs in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta. 

Dr. Major is also a Professor of Orthodontics. He leads an orthodontic biomechanics research group, which is a collaboration between mechanical engineering and dentistry. This group investigates complex force systems associated with orthodontic treatment modalities. He also investigates craniofacial morphology with advanced imaging with particular focus on understanding skeletal and dental changes due to growth and orthodontic treatment.


Dr. Prasanna Neelakantan


Dr. Shokrollah Elahi

Dr. Shokrollah Elahi is an Associate Professor of Immunology in the Mike Petryk School of Dentistry, adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Oncology, and the Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta. 

Dr. Elahi is an internationally recognized scientist with expertise in HIV Pathogenesis, Neonatal Immunology, Immunoregulation and Cancer. His diverse background and knowledge allow him to merge different fields to discover new treatments to control HIV infection, enhance cancer immunotherapy and prevent infectious/autoimmune diseases in newborns.


Dr. Tarek El-Bialy

Dr. Tarek El-Bialy joined the orthodontic team at the University of Alberta as an Associate professor in July 2005. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of Orthodontics and Bioengineering and the Director of the Orthodontic Clinic at the King Abdul-Aziz University in Saudi Arabia. He was a lecturer in orthodontics at Tanta University in Egypt prior to his appointment at the King Abdul-Aziz University.

He obtained his BDS and MSc in Orthodontics in 1987 and 1993 respectively, and his License of Law degree in 1994, all from the University of Tanta. In 2001, he received his PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Illinois where he studied the effect of therapeutic ultrasound on bone formation during mandibular osteodistraction. He also received his Certificate of Specialty in Orthodontics in 2001 and his MSc in Oral Sciences in 2000 from the University of Illinois. In 2012, he received an Executive Masters of Business and Administration degree from the University of Alberta. In 2016, he became a full Professor.