The Mike Petryk School of Dentistry (SoD) is home to our world-class Oral Health Clinic and research center, and our mission is to promote excellence in research. We are committed to supporting research focused on craniofacial development and regeneration, cardiovascular disease, oral cancer, infectious diseases, community engagement research, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases using artificial intelligence and dental education.
Our foundational-based research investigators are committed to translating findings in our laboratories to the development of animal models and clinical trials for oral health care. Our researchers are advancing research in biomaterials/biomechanics and developing new dental-related technology.
Our research is also addressing oral health community needs among Immigrants and First nations in order to improve health disparities and ensure health equity and equality. We are also advancing education with several of our technology-based projects such as an augmented reality flashcard app and online histology virtual microscope
The Associate Chair of Research, Dr. Maryam Amin oversees research and development within the Mike Petryk School of Dentistry in collaboration with the research unit Directors.
If interested in becoming a graduate student;
Peruse our researcher's page to identify the faculty with your research interest
Contact SoD graduate studies to inquire about admission