Continuing Dental Education

Our comprehensive offerings use the latest technologies from evidence-based practices by subject matter experts.

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Overview | Program topic areas | Special events | About us

Our mission

We are a leader in certification and education programs for dentists, dental hygienists, registered dental assistants, sterilization assistants and other health practitioners. Backed by the University of Alberta, we offer true competency education to help those in oral health expand their abilities and expertise.

Ongoing training for the oral health-care team. Join thousands of oral health-care practitioners who have elevated their careers through the University of Alberta's continuing dental education programs. We offer over 30 CE opportunities for oral health-care practitioners.

Program topic areas

Dental lasers

Two courses | Dentists and RDHs

Gain advanced training in the application of lasers in a clinical setting. Our lasers programming consists of training opportunities for dentists and RDHs.


Two courses for dentists

Our dental implantology programming offers interdisciplinary education for the health-care team aimed at creating leaders who offer their patients dental implants with a high standard of care.

Local anesthetics

One course for RDHs

Our program offers RDHs interested in administering local anesthetics the training necessary to become certified and stay up-to-date.


Seven courses | Various practitioners

Our aesthetics programming offers general practitioners interested in the impact that facial aesthetics can have on quality of life the opportunity to learn from a diverse faculty in Canada’s only certified fillers program.


Seven courses | Various practitioners

Our neuromodulator programming offers world class educational and training opportunities to incorporate neuromodulator therapeutics into the dental practice.

Obstructive sleep apnea

Four levels | Dentists and RDHs

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) poses a significant challenge to modern society and dentistry plays a direct role in treating this health issue. Acquire the education and training necessary to treat OSA.


Four courses | Dentists, RDHs and RDAs

Our orthodontics programming offers interdisciplinary education and training to contribute to the treatment, prevention, and management of a patient's teeth and jaw.


Two courses for Dentists

This program expands on existing knowledge through hands-on training in restoring posterior dentition with the ability to adjust tissue and bone anatomy.


Multiple modules for RDHs

Elevate health-care collaboration and communication skills at Alberta’s only prescribing course for RDHs. Successful completion of the course allows RDHs to apply for a prescribers ID and the ability to issue Schedule 1 drugs.


Four courses | Dentists, RDHs and RDAs

Our radiology programming delivers interdisciplinary education and training for the entire dental team aimed at improving the standard of care and providing exciting new opportunities.


Two courses for RDHs

These courses can get participants up to speed with the latest competency requirements and prepare them to return to practice.


Six courses | Dentists, RDHs and RDAs

Our sedation programming offers interdisciplinary education and training for the dental team so that oral health-care professionals can help incorporate sedation into their practice.


One course, open to all

Participants will learn how to implement and maintain infection prevention and control standards and succeed in ensuring compliance and safe patient care.


Multiple offerings for dentists, RDHs and RDAs

Take advantage of a remote offering.

Atraumatic restorative therapy

One course for RDHs

Our restorative dentistry program currently offers training for RDHs focused on the interim restoration of decayed teeth.

Special events

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Dental hygiene lecture series
In-person or livestream | CE credits will vary | RDHs

Stay at the forefront of oral health with one of our upcoming lectures.

The U of A Advantage

High-quality continuing education in a supportive environment.

Our diverse faculty members, who are experts in their fields, bring unwavering dedication and expertise to our programs. We provide oral health-care professionals with access to education that is:

  • Leading and backed by the strength of the University of Alberta.
  • Non-industry biased, focusing on knowledge and tools, not brands.
  • Held to a high standard to ensure competency-driven education to help expand your career and practice.

Our director

Dr. James Yacyshyn
director, continuing dental education

Dr. Yacyshyn, DDS, MS, BSc, obtained his bachelor of science and doctor of dental surgery from the University of Alberta and completed a masters in applied science engineering from the University of Toronto. With a background in health technology and informatics, Dr. Yacyshyn joined the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in 2001 and was later appointed as the director of continuing dental education in 2002.

As director, Dr. Yacyshyn has developed and facilitated numerous educational programs spanning various topics for licensed dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants and allied health practitioners across Alberta, nationally and internationally. Additionally, through clinical programs, we have provided care for numerous patients over the years.

If you have any ideas, challenges, or opportunities that you want to share, please reach out to us, together we can pursue excellence in continuing dental education and patient care.


Keeping you in the know

Stay up-to-date on the latest continuing dental education offers, events and courses.
