Dental Hygiene Alumni Chapter

Group of alumni standing in a row wearing Do Great t-shirts

Who we are

The Dental Hygiene Alumni Chapter (DHAC) represents all graduates from the University of Alberta Dental Hygiene Program. Upon graduation, dental hygiene alumni automatically become members of the DHAC.

Our mission is to facilitate relationships between alumni, students, faculty members and partners, and act as ambassadors for the UAlberta alumni.

The DHAC hosts events where alumni members can gather, network, and engage with one another and their alma mater. We also strive to create an engaged community of oral health professionals through mentorship, networking, resources and professional development opportunities. Additionally, we provide mentorship opportunities for students and aim to enrich the student experience.

What we do

The DHAC hosts several events and activities per year, including:

  • Social activities for alumni
  • Continuing education courses for alumni
  • Mentorship and networking events
  • Welcoming graduates to our alumni community
  • Celebrating and supporting our students

Upcoming Events

DHAC Booth at Day of Dentistry

TBD - April 2025
Lister Centre

Students are encouraged to stop by the DHAC booth to learn more about how we support students and what you can look forward to upon graduation.

Continuing Education Virtual Seminar

TBD 2025

Learn from experts and earn continuing education credits from the comfort of your home or office. More information coming soon.

Dental Hygiene Graduation Luncheon

TBD - June 2025

The Dental Hygiene Alumni Chapter invites graduating DH students and their families to celebrate the momentous occasion of convocation. Join us for lunch and a special program where we will honour graduating DH students with a special gift and award presentation. More information coming soon.

Dental Hygiene Alumni Chapter Reunion Reception

September 21, 2024
3 - 5 p.m.
Saskatchewan Room, University Club

Join fellow Dental Hygiene alumni for a reception and catch up with old colleagues and friends. Register here »


Thank you to our generous sponsors. Without their support, our activities would not be possible.




Apollonia Dental Clinic HuFriedy


Patterson 123 Dentist Dental Hygienists Association of Alberta

Dental Hygiene Chapter Bursary

The Dental Hygiene Chapter Bursary was created from generous donations received from Dental Hygiene alumni and friends which supports DH students in financial need. If you are interested in supporting dental hygiene students in this way, you can donate online (search “Alumni Association Dental Hygiene Chapter Bursary” under the Search for a fund option) or by sending a cheque made payable to University of Alberta via mail to:

Dental Hygiene Alumni Chapter - Bursary
Office of Alumni Relations - University of Alberta
10230 Jasper Ave. NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 4P6

Ongoing Continuing Education through the U of A

The University of Alberta Continuing Dental Education Office offers a variety of outstanding continuing education programs for dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dental laboratory technicians. Hands-on competency based, and lecture based specialized education and certification programs are available year round. For more information, visit the Mike Petryk School of Dentistry Continuing Dental Education.

The DHAC Executive Team

The DHAC Executive Committee is comprised of the following dedicated, passionate, and engaged DH alumni members:

Christie Daye - President
Rebecca Lee - Past President & Sponsorships Chair
Vacant - Communications Chair
Vacant - Secretary
Helen Massini - Director-at-Large
Mikayla Haley - Director-at-Large
Judy Clarke - Director-at-Large
Chass Friesen - Director-at-Large
Selda Suleymanoglu - Director-at-Large
Dr. Sharon Compton - Faculty Representative Liaison

Student Representatives:

Erin Fedyna 
Karen Yee 
Brooklyn Schroeder
Nicole Buchholz
Lina Al-Baghdadi
Nada Yassin

Get Involved 

We are currently recruiting for Director-at-large positions on our executive board. Please email if you would like more information.