Respirator Fit-Testing
Respirators protect the wearer against exposure to airborne contaminants. They should only be used if engineering and administrative controls are insufficient to control a hazard. All respirator users must be fit-tested, a service that Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) provides free of charge to the university community.
To determine if you require a respirator, complete a hazard assessment. If you require a respirator, schedule and complete fit-testing as follows:
Complete the short Respiratory Protective Equipment online course. The training describes the use and maintenance of a respirator.
Follow the steps in the online course to fill out the health screening questionnaire.
You will receive either:
- A request to schedule a follow-up appointment with Dominion Medical Centre (if you have a preexisting respiratory or cardiovascular condition).
- An email from HSE to schedule a fit-test. If you require multiple types of respirators, you will need to schedule a fit-test for each.
Please keep a record of your appointment date and time.
- Fit-testing occurs in Materials Management Building 2-10N.
- After the fit-test, you will receive a printout of respirator specifications.
- Refer to the Respirator Protection Program for more information about respirator usage, storage and maintenance.
- A new fit-test is required every two years or as major physical changes occur (e.g., facial or dental surgery; weight gain/loss).
Follow-up Medical Appointment
If you receive an email prompting you to contact Dominion Medical Centre for a follow-up appointment, call the clinic to schedule a consult. At the appointment, the doctor will either:
- Clear you to wear a respirator and send an email to HSE with a clearance letter. HSE will contact you to schedule a fit-test.
- Indicate that you should not wear a respirator for health reasons. Contact your supervisor to discuss alternate work activities.
Employees, Students
Safety & Security