Field Research Training
As of March 18, new mandatory Field Research Safety Training launched. All that participate in field research must take this course.
Supervisors must ensure that participants are trained and competent to use equipment and perform their work safely. This is required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation and Code open in a new tab and the U of A's Health and Safety Responsibilities Procedure open in a new tab .
The Supervising Safely eLearning course covers the training and competency of workers.
In the case of field research and studies, particular consideration needs to be given to the preparedness of the individual and their abilities to operate and function in the off-campus location and environment. Training needs for your team members should be identified during the completion of your hazard assessment and evaluation.
If you are working with a research station or institution or with a particular partner, be aware that they may have their own training requirements that you will have to comply with.