Excellence in Learning Support

This award is specifically designed to recognize members of the university community whose role does not involve teaching, but who nonetheless directly and significantly contribute to the student learning experience.


All non-teaching staff members in positions that have provided support to the learning experience of students within the last year are eligible for this annual award. Examples include but are not limited to Student Advisors, Student Service Officers, Lab Coordinators, Lab Technicians, Co-op Coordinators, IST Technical Support Staff and Librarians. Awards will be presented in each of the following categories should the number and caliber of nominations warrant:

  • Classroom or Laboratory Services.
  • Technical Assistance and Support.
  • Off Campus Placement Services.
  • Student Advisory Services.
  • Non-teaching Faculty.
  • Administrative Professional Officers.
  • Librarians.


Nominations are to be received between March 1 to June 30.


Presentations to award recipients will be made annually at the Celebration of Service.


In order for a nominee to be considered by the selection committee, the nominator must demonstrate how the nominee meets the following criteria. Please keep responses to each of the criteria to 350 to 400 words each. Nominators may also submit any appropriate supporting documentation (e.g., letters of support from faculty/department, colleagues, supervisors etc.).

The selection committee is looking to gain an understanding of who the nominee is through the nomination. Successful submissions will be chosen from those nominations that articulate how the nominee meets and exceeds the criteria through examples and personal stories.

  • The nominee demonstrates an active and positive record of service to students in their capacity and is willingly available to students for advice and guidance.
  • The nominee consistently demonstrates sensitivity to and respect for students and behaves in a manner that upholds the Culture of Care and university policies and strategies.
  • The nominee promotes active learning and successfully encourages students to think imaginatively, critically and independently.
  • The nominee exhibits a people-centred approach to effectively interact with students using opportunities to promote learning and address individual student needs.
  • The nominee continuously looks for innovative methods to enhance the teaching experience and learning environment.

Process + Submission

Nomination forms must be submitted by June 30. This includes the completed Google form nomination with two letters of support from campus community members that are knowledgeable about the nominee’s contributions. The nominator must be a current student enrolled at the University of Alberta.

While the nominations for the award closes in late spring, the award adjudication will occur in early fall and the awards will be presented at the Celebration of Service in late fall/early winter.

Nomination Form