Dossier Development


A dossier showcases an individual’s contributions and growth and development in their academic domains. A well written dossier that provides clear documentation of academic activities is an important part of the application package for tenure and promotion and other job opportunities. The dossiers are cumulative and provide a template for reflection on academic activities that helps with upward trajectory in an academic environment.

This interactive workshop will help you understand the important elements of dossiers and how to capture your academic activities under these elements.


  1. Discuss the important elements of Dossiers (Teaching, Clinical, Administration)
  2. Critique well written and not so well written dossiers to understand how to document pertinent academic activities
  3. Reflect on documented activities and feedback to assist with growth and success with application for tenure/promotion

Target Audience

Any FoMD faculty member. Those considering tenure and promotion are particularly encouraged to attend.


This 1.5-hour workshop will be presented virtually by Dr. Manjula Gowrishankar.

Dates and Registration

Upcoming workshop dates and information can be found within the registration form link below.

Register today using your CCID