Spin-off Companies

Taking research discovery and innovation beyond the lab

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry drives innovation forward every day with hundreds of projects designed to improve people's lives. Here are some of spin-off companies and startups that have emerged from our hub of ingenuity that combines health scientists with groundbreaking ideas and clinical expertise, bolstered by partners in commercialization.

  • Achlys
  • Aurora Vaccines
  • Bio HI
  • DenSonics Imaging
  • DepthSee Inc
  • DR Science
  • Entos Pharmaceuticals
  • Heka Therapeutics Inc
  • ImMed Biotechnologies Inc
  • KMT Hepatech Inc
  • Livmor Diagnostics Inc
  • Magnet Tx Oncology Solutions
  • Maternica Therapeutics Inc
  • Metabolic Modulators Research Ltd
  • Metabolomic Technologies Inc

    Helping save lives by detecting and preventing Colorectal cancer

    UAlberta spin-off Metabolomics Technologies Inc (MTI) is helping saves lives by preventing colorectal cancer (CRC) before it starts. Every week, about 423 Canadians are diagnosed with CRC and 175 die from it. It's a leading cause of death in North America and the third most commonly diagnosed cancer globally. Yet it is 90% preventable and treatable if caught early-the problem is, currently almost 50% of cases are not.

    A UAlberta research discovery could change all that. Based on that discovery, UAlberta spin-off MTI developed the first and only urine-based test with a high sensitivity to detect colonic polyps, a precursor to CRC. The test, called PolypDxTM, employs metabolomic-based technology and machine learning to detect polyps before they turn cancerous. Once detected, the polyps can be removed via a colonoscopy. PolypDx is now licensed in 17 US states and recently underwent a clinical trial in China. MTI plans to apply the same technology to develop diagnostic tests for various other diseases and conditions (e.g., prostate and breast cancer, Celiac, Colitis, Crohn's, IBD etc.).

    This company was created with the help of TEC Edmonton's Technology Management team. As UAlberta's technology-transfer agent, TEC Edmonton assists UAlberta spin-off companies in their early stages.

    Using metabolomics to prevent colon cancer
    Meet three U of A spin-off companies led by FoMD researchers

  • MMHG Inc
  • Nanostics

    Helping detect aggressive prostate cancer, easier, faster, better

    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting men, about 1 in 7 are diagnosed annually. Each year in Canada, thousands of men undergo invasive biopsies, essentially 12 needles through the prostate, to detect cancer and/or monitor its progression. Now, there is a new tool to help better identifying which men actually need a biopsy. The tool a "simple blood test" developed by UAlberta researchers. The test uses a liquid biopsy platform, nanotechnology and machine learning to identify aggressive prostate cancer. For patients, the test is easy, requiring just two drops of blood. Clinical data found the test, called Clarity DX, correctly identifies men with aggressive prostate cancer 40% more accurately that the commonly used PSA test.

    Nanostics Inc., a UAlberta spin-off, was created to move the new technology out of the lab and into doctors hands. In addition to improving men's diagnostic experience and quality of life, Clarity DX could eventually eliminate up to 600,000 unnecessary biopsies, 24,000 hospitalizations and up to 50% of unnecessary treatment in North America alone. There is also technology cost savings-Clarity DX is expected to cost several hundred dollars vs. around $2,000 for a biopsy

  • Pacylex
  • PremGem Diagnostics Inc
  • Progress Scientific
  • Prophysis Inc
  • Qwogo
  • Tevosol

    Tevosol, Inc. is a medical device company developing the Ex-Vivo Organ Support System (EVOSS) with the goal of increasing the number of organs available for transplantation. EVOSS is a portable warm perfusion device intended to achieve better recovery of organs, better resuscitation of dysfunctional organs, and longer preservation of function with the opportunity for ex-vivo treatment and evaluation. The system consists of a common hardware platform with organ-specific single-use disposable cassettes for lungs, hearts, livers and kidneys.

    This company was created with the help of TEC Edmonton's Technology Management team. As UAlberta's technology-transfer agent, TEC Edmonton assists UAlberta spin-off companies in their early stages.

  • Transcriptome Sciences Inc