
There are many awards, scholarships and bursaries available to students, trainees and faculty members in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta.

Use the search tool below to review available awards and to apply if eligible.

FoMD Awards

Use the tool below to browse awards available within the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.

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Award Name

75th Anniversary Graduate Student Award

Alberta Jenkinson and Stephen Buhl Award

Alberta Odd Fellow Rebekah Vision Science Graduate Student Research Award

Alumni Awards

Annual Award for Excellence In Mentoring

Annual Award for Mentoring of Faculty

Annual Best Teacher Award in Community Pediatrics for UnderGraduate Medical Education

Annual Excellence in Teaching Award in Community Pediatrics for UnderGraduate Medical Education

Annual Innovation Award

Annual Top 10 Teachers Award

Ballermann Translational Research Fellowship Award

Basic Science Publication Award

Bell McLeod Educational Fund Terms and Policies

CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund

Chung Pak-Sek Award

Clinical Faculty Faculty Research Award

Clinical Faculty Investigation Publication Award

Cooperation, Collaboration and Teamwork Award

Cooperation, Collaboration and Teamwork Recognition Award

CRYO2007 Travel Award

Darcy Tailfeathers Memorial Awards in Medicine

Dean's Doctoral Student Award

Delnor Award

Dr Albert A Yeung Graduate Award

Dr Edwin E Daniel Graduate Scholarship in Pharmacology

Dr Jean Hugill Research Award

Dr Masaru Yukawa Award for Innovation in Workplace Wellness

Dr Robert James Kelly Global Health Memorial Award

Dr Susan Dunn Graduate Award

Dr. Richard Fedorak Memorial Award in Professionalism

Edwin Isaac Clarke Scholarship

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Med Star Award for Graduate Students

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Med Star Award for Postdoctoral or Clinical Faculty Fellows

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry/Alberta Health Services Graduate Student Recruitment Studentship

Global Health Bursary

Gordon Denchfield Thompson Scholarship

Graduate Student Mel Schachter Award

Graduate Student Peter Pang Award

Helen Colburn Scholarship

J. Charles "Chuck" Morrison Award

Jonathan B Meddings Clinical Faculty Innocation Award

Lawson Award

Medical Education Publication Award

Medical Science Graduate Program Scholarships

Motyl Graduate Studentships in Cardiac Sciences

Patricia Ann Peat Student & Residency Fund in Ophthalmology

Paul Man Award

Paul W. Armstrong Excellence in Research Award

Pediatric Grand Rounds Award

PGME teacher of the yera

Reg Martiniuk Research Day Award

Rhoderic John Reiffenstein Graduate Student Travel Bursary

Summer Studentship Stipend

Summer Studentships in Health Professions Education Scholarship

Teaching Award by Subspecialty Pediatric Residents

The Mark Marshall Translational Research Award

Thomas J Marrie Mentorship Award

Tom Wegmann Memorial Award

Translational Research Award

UnderGraduate Summer Students' Research Program

University Hospital Foundation Medical Research Competition (UHFMRC)

University of Alberta Hospital PostGraduate Medical Publication Prize

University of Alberta Hospital PostGraduate Medical Publication Prize

Violet Kilburn Award

Yatscoff Family Award