Misericordia Family Medicine Centre


Misericordia Family Medicine Centre (MisFMC), affiliated with the Misericordia Community Hospital, is located in West Edmonton and is a short 15 minute drive to the University area. The centre is made up of seven family doctors, two full-time RN’s, two receptionists, two clinical assistants, two PT transcriptionists, one quality coordinator, one accounting clerk, one program assistant, one clinical pharmacist and one chronic disease management nurse. The physicians are members of the Edmonton O’day-min Primary Care Network.Through the Edmonton O’day-min PCN our patients have access to Allied Health services including Dietitians, Behavioural Health Worker, Exercise Specialist and Senior’s Health. Residents have the opportunity to experience a variety of patient interactions during their blocktime rotation as they work with a variety of the doctors who have different patient panels, teaching styles and individual interests.

Learning Opportunities

  • Diverse patient population
  • Civil Aviation Medicals
  • Weekly teaching seminars
  • Evidence Based Medicine
  • Sessions with the Chronic Disease Management Nurse
  • Horizontal experiences
mis team


Dr. Sheny Khera
Sheny Khera MD, MPH, FCFP, CAC(COE)
Associate Chair, Department of Family Medicine, University of Alberta
President, Edmonton O-day'min Primary Care Network. Alberta
Site Director, Misericordia Family Medicine Centre,
Dr. Ann Lee
Ann S. Lee, MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Program Director, Department of Family Medicine
Family Medicine Clerkship Coordinator, MD Program
Dr. Douglas Woudstra
Douglas Woudstra, MD, BScPT, CCFP, FCFP
Associate Clinical Professor
Dr. Joanne Baergen
Joanne Baergen, BSc, MD, MEd (HSE), CCFP
Assistant Program Director, Resident Support and Wellness
Assistant Professor
Dr. Michelle Morros
Michelle P. Morros, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Residency Program Director, Family Medicine
Associate Professor
Dr. Neil Bell
Neil Bell, BsC, MD, FCFP, SM
Dr. Lisa Steblecki
Lisa Steblecki, MD, CCFP, MPH
Associate Professor