Clinical Staff
The Department of Medicine values its relationship with Clinical Faculty and recognizes the indispensable contribution they make to the academic mission, especially through teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate students, but also through clinical research, administration, clinical quality improvement/innovation, and service to the profession.
In recognition of their contributions to the academic mission of the Department, clinical academic colleagues enjoy a variety of benefits from the University of Alberta.
The Department of Medicine sends out a call for Clinical Annual Reports (also known as Clinical Faculty Academic Contribution Reports) in the early fall each year. It is mandatory for Clinical Faculty to submit a Clinical Faculty Academic Contribution Report at least twice during their appointment term. Please check your UAlberta email account regularly. If you have questions, please contact Gloria Jichita, Academic Development Officer at
Thank you for your contributions to the Department of Medicine!
Clinical Faculty Promotions
Status of Promotion Process
The submission deadline for fall 2024 applications is December 19, 2024 @ 4 p.m.
The promotion criteria outlined in the current FoMD Procedure for Appointment, Promotion Criteria, and Appeals Process for Clinical Faculty Members are in effect.
- Beginning in fall 2023, applicants are required to submit a specified number of Clinical Annual Reports (also known as Clinical Faculty Academic Contribution Reports). Please refer to the Timeline & Checklist for Promotion.
- Proforma Consideration for Promotion to Assistant Clinical Professor has not been implemented in the Department of Medicine. All DoM applicants for Assistant Clinical Professor are required to submit a full application.
- It is acceptable for Clinical Faculty members to choose to remain at the rank of Clinical Lecturer for the remainder of their careers.
Note: It is now mandatory for all Clinical Faculty to submit a Clinical Faculty Academic Contribution Report at least twice during their appointment term. Going forward, regular review meetings with the Clinical Faculty member’s Division Director are required. The mid-point and end-point reviews are currently being phased in.
Chairs' Messages

Dr. Narmin Kassam
Chair, Department of Medicine
Promotion to Clinical Professor is the highest honor the University of Alberta can give a Clinical Faculty member. I know there are many highly accomplished Clinical Academic Colleagues in the community, and I would very much like the opportunity to recognize all of you!

Dr. Fraulein Morales
Director, Clinical Faculty
Chair, Clinical Evaluation Committee
Fall is the time of the year to consider Clinical Promotion for those who are eligible for the upcoming academic year (effective date is July 1st of next year). Promotion is one of the ways in which the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry recognizes your contribution to teaching, clinical innovation, research and administrative leadership. If any of you are interested in promotion and would like some advice or direction, please do not hesitate to contact me at
Clinical Evaluation Committee
The Department of Medicine Clinical Evaluation Committee (CEC) is responsible for initial vetting of promotion materials of Clinical Faculty members who apply for promotion. The CEC makes recommendations to the Chair of the Department of Medicine and provides feedback to applicants.
Clinical Evaluation Committee Terms of ReferenceContact Us
Dr. Fraulein Morales
Director, Clinical Faculty
Chair, Clinical Evaluation Committee
Gloria Jichita
Academic Development Officer
Department of Medicine, Administrative Services
Clinical Faculty Promotions
Status of Promotion Process
Eligible Clinical Faculty are contacted directly via their UAlberta email address in early in late October. Submissions are due to by 4:00 p.m. on December 6, 2022.
The promotion criteria outlined in the FoMD Appointment and Promotion Criteria Procedure for Clinical Academic Colleagues are in effect.
Please note, some aspects of the FoMD Procedure are being phased-in to ensure that DoM Clinical Faculty members have ample notice regarding significant changes to the promotion and appointment process. These include:
Submission of Clinical Annual Reports in Promotion Package
- Fall 2022 applicants may submit a combination of Clinical Annual Reports and a Teaching Dossier, in lieu of the required number of Clinical Annual Reports. Refer to the Timeline and Checklist to ensure you submit the required materials.
- Beginning in fall 2023, applicants will be required to submit the specified number of Clinical Annual Reports (also known as Clinical Faculty Academic Contribution Reports), reflecting full implementation of section VII.3 of the FoMD Procedure.
NOTE: it is now mandatory for all Clinical Faculty to submit a Clinical Faculty Academic Contribution Report at least twice during their appointment term.
Clinical Lecturers - Proforma Consideration for Promotion
- Beginning in 2023, all clinical faculty who have been at the rank of Clinical Lecturer for 3 or more years will undergo a review and proforma consideration for promotion each spring.
- This process will be phased-in, beginning in spring 2023. In spring 2023, only those who have 3+ years in the rank and whose appointment expires on June 30, 2023 will undergo a review and proforma consideration for promotion. These individuals will be notified directly.
- Clinical Lecturers may still submit a full application for promotion, if they wish to be considered for promotion earlier (optional).
Note: It is acceptable for Clinical Faculty members to choose to remain at the rank of Clinical Lecturer for the remainder of their careers.
Chairs' Messages

Dr. Narmin Kassam
Chair, Department of Medicine
Promotion to Clinical Professor is the highest honor the University of Alberta can give a Clinical Faculty member. I know there are many highly accomplished Clinical Academic Colleagues in the community and I would very much like the opportunity to recognize all of you!

Dr. Fraulein Morales
Director, Clinical Faculty
Chair, Clinical Evaluation Committee
Fall is the time of the year to consider Clinical Promotion for those who are eligible for the upcoming academic year (effective date July 1st of next year). Promotion is one of the ways in which the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry recognizes your contribution to teaching, clinical innovation, research and administrative leadership. If any of you are interested in promotion and would like some advice or direction please do not hesitate to contact me at
Clinical Evaluation Committee
The Department of Medicine Clinical Evaluation Committee (CEC) is responsible for initial vetting of promotion materials of Clinical Faculty members who apply for promotion. The CFPC makes recommendations to the Chair, Department of Medicine, and provides feedback to applicants.
Clinical Evaluation Committee Terms of ReferenceContact Us
Dr. Fraulein Morales
Director, Clinical Faculty
Chair, Clinical Evaluation Committee
Gloria Jichita
Academic Development Officer
Department of Medicine, Administrative Services