Division of Infectious Diseases
About Us
Infectious Disease specialists diagnose and treat infections due to bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites in a wide-variety of patients, including medical, surgical, and critical care patients.
The Division of Infectious Diseases provides clinical services to all acute care facilities in Edmonton and consultative services to northern Alberta and the western Northwest Territories. Division members contribute to regional and provincial programs in infection prevention and control, antimicrobial stewardship and workplace health and safety. The division enjoys a close working relationship with provincial and regional microbiology laboratories, and with regional public health officials.
The Division of Infectious Diseases was founded in 1967 by Dr. George Goldsand, one of Canada's first three Infectious Diseases specialists. Over the years, the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Alberta has expanded and diversified with over twenty Faculty members. It currently provides clinical services to all acute care facilities in Edmonton, and consultative services to Northern Alberta and western NWT.
Specialty programs in HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT), Infection Control, and Transplant Infectious Diseases have been established, providing opportunities for clinical, epidemiologic and bench research, and for medical education.
The Division boasts one of the longest running and most highly regarded Canadian postgraduate training programs in Infectious Diseases, and has a unique fellowship program in Transplant Infectious Diseases.
It has a long history of conducting clinical trials of antiviral therapy, starting with drugs for HSV in the 1980s.
It enjoys a close working relationship with Provincial and regional microbiology laboratories, and with regional Public Health officials.
In an era of increasingly complex, subspecialized, institutionally-based medical care; of pandemic infectious disease; and of multi-drug-resistant pathogens, the challenges and rewards for the Division and its members have never been greater.
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Infectious Diseases Publications
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Contact Information
Clinical Services Supervisor
Karen Doring
New Patient Referrals
Fax: 780-492-8050
Triage: 780-492-9287