Conducting Your Research

Conducting Your Research


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Obtaining Ethics or Biohazards Approvals

What is the process for application for animal or human research ethics or biohazards approvals? 

All Faculty members, staff and/or students at the University of Alberta must have UA ethics approval to conduct research involving human participants (or their data) or animal research.

The Research Ethics Office (REO) provides effective, integrated support for and administration of all aspects of the ethics review and approval process for research involving human participants and research, teaching and testing involving animals.

The Alberta Research Information Services (ARISE) system provides a secure online application and process management system for ethics applications. You must submit the DoM Request for Internal Approval form if submitting your study to ARISE.

Related Links

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Safeguarding Your Research

The Safeguarding Research Office (SRO) ensures researchers and staff have the support required to successfully navigate research security requirements applicable to funding applications at both the federal and provincial levels.

For general inquiries, please contact

Running a Wet Lab

What do I need to know to run a wet lab?

  • Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
    • How to Set Up a Lab
    • Maintenance
    • Close Out or Renovate a Lab, etc.
  • Researcher Offboarding Checklist
    A proper offboarding process is an important part of hazard management. Anyone planning to leave a research space (e.g., graduating students or staff moving to new roles) must complete an offboarding checklist to help groups minimize the risks.

External Resources

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Planning a Clinical Trial

What do I need to know before I plan a clinical trial? 

The Clinical Trials Office ensures clinical research at the University of Alberta is conducted according to the highest scientific and ethical standards and complies with policies, governing statutes and regulations. Read more about the services they provide. Contact Scott Jamieson, Director of Clinical Operations, as the first point of contact.


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Other Options

What options are available to help with research programs (e.g., core facilities, biostaticians, research nurses groups)?

DoM Research Group

FoMD Resources

U of A Resources

  • Safeguarding Your Research
  • Research Data Management — U of A Library. Data management planning is necessary at all stages of the research project lifecycle, from design and inception to completion. The tools on this site help researchers manage and preserve their research data.
  • U of A's Research Computing group provides access to digital research systems, services, and support for research projects, as well as grant advice on digital research and digital research communities of interest. Request a consultation.
  • REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and research databases.
  • Equipment Database

External Resources

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Hiring Research Staff

Hiring Staff for Research Positions

How do I hire research staff (technicians, research nurses, research associates), students, or postdoctoral fellows? 

Academic Visitors

Who Qualifies?

  • An Academic Visitor is defined as visitor who will be on the University of Alberta campus for more than one month to carry out research or collaborate in UofA departmental research.
  • An Academic Visitor may include a professor, graduate/undergraduate student or an individual from the private sector or industry.

See Inviting an Academic Visitor for information about how to invite them to the University of Alberta.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Appointing and Reappointing

Initial appointments must ordinarily occur within five years of the completion of a doctoral degree or 10 years from the completion of a MD, DDS or equivalent.

Please visit University of Alberta Careers to see current postings for positions in the Department of Medicine.

To advertise a position or appoint/reappoint a postdoctoral fellow, please contact the DoM Office of Research at

Canadian or Permanent Resident

Allow a minimum of two months to appoint a Canadian or permanent resident as a postdoctoral fellow. Allow a minimum of one month for a reappointment.

Foreign National

Allow a minimum of three months to appoint a foreign national as a postdoctoral fellow. Allow a minimum of one month for a reappointment.
For more information, please view our Postdoctoral Fellows website.
Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) Research Fellows

The Office of Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) operates within the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. They represent postgraduate medical education at the University of Alberta through residency and fellowship programs.

These programs are supervised clinical and or research training programs offered to post-MD trainees that are not creditable towards fulfilling certification eligibility requirements of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) or of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC). All fellows must be registered with the PGME Office at the University of Alberta.

Please review the fellowship guidelines for more detailed information.

The information below is for appointing a Research Fellow Only!

Appointing / Reappointing a PGME Research Fellow

  1. Please complete in full a . Note: Please ensure to use the latest version.
  2. Please complete in full a PGME Fellows Offer Letter.
  3. Please send the registration form for research fellows and PGME Fellows offer letter to the Department of Medicine Office of Research with the enclosed documents for the Chair's signature:
    • Candidate's CV
    • Detailed Description of the Training Program
    • Confirmation Letter if Externally Funded
    • Non-Ministry Funding Form (if paid through Alberta Health Services, Medical Affairs)
    • Evidence of English Language Proficiency (if applicable)


If paying through Alberta Health Services, Medical Affairs, there is an additional 16.32% on top of the regular salary for benefits, admin fees and STAT deductions (CPP, EI and WCB).

Please ensure to complete the non-ministry funding form.

If paying through the University of Alberta, there is an additional 7.91% on top of the regular salary for STAT deductions (CPP, EI and WCB). There are no benefits provided.

International Fellows

International fellows will have to follow the immigration process and a Foreign Visitor Category Assessment Form is completed. This form is completed by the PGME Office upon receiving your complete registration package stated above.

Please visit the PGME website for guidelines, template offer letters and forms.

Research Associates

A Research Academic is a full-time or part-time Staff Member whose duties are to carry out or support high-level, complex, research projects in collaboration with faculty members and other researchers. Duties may include research design, methodology determination, analysis and/or other activities that facilitate the work of the trust unit. Duties may include all phases of data collection and analysis (e.g. clinical trials, test and questionnaire design) and could include such activities as the preparation of proposals for new research activities, the presentation of research findings and/or the preparation of reports and papers. A "Research Scientist” or a "Research Associate” will normally hold a doctoral degree or have equivalent qualifications and experience. A "Trust Professional” shall normally hold a Master's or professional level degree in a required discipline and hold positions such as speech language pathologist, kindergarten teacher, engineer, and statistician.

Benchmark and Sample Position Descriptions - Research Associates: Level 1 and Level 2

Please contact the DoM Program Support Human Resources to arrange.

Research Support

Research Support positions perform a variety of tasks that support research activities, and are typically found in faculties and departments across campus. These positions generally report to a senior research position or to a Principal Investigator. Work in this category ranges from entry level to senior level research support.

Please contact the DoM Program Support Human Resources to arrange.

Trust Administrators

A Trust Administrator is a full-time or part-time Staff Member whose duties are to provide leadership, strategic advice and direction; and is accountable for planning, negotiating, problem solving, risk assessment and prevention, and operational oversight of resources. These positions may include some research responsibilities. Staff Members, in this job family, hold positions which range from Project Manager to trust unit Director. A Trust Administrator shall normally require an academic degree or professional designation.

Please contact the DoM Program Support Human Resources to arrange.

Lab Technicians/Technologists

Lab Technologist positions perform a variety of technical tasks that support research activities and/or facilitate the operation of the laboratories.  These positions generally report to a Senior Lab position or to a Principal Investigator.  Work in this category ranges from entry level to senior level laboratory support.

Please contact the DoM Program Support Human Resources to arrange.

Excluded Students
  • A registered undergraduate student at the University of Alberta and appointed from trust funds to assist in legitimate academic research, training and/or learning opportunities.


  • A registered undergraduate student at the University of Alberta and appointed from operating funds as a marker or tutor in his/her own field of study.


  • A registered undergraduate or graduate student at the University of Alberta appointed from operating funds as a
    • Student Caller working in his/her Faculty; Intern, Co-op student, Practicum, or Peer Educator.
    • Intramural Sports Official (tech manager, umpire, judge, clinician, field marshals, timekeepers, activity supervisors, scorekeeper, linesman, minor official, recreation facilitators, or mascots) with PhysEd & Rec.
    • Food Ombudsman, Furniture Bank Coord, HUB and Lister Discipline Admin, Assoc of College & Univ Housing Officer, Block Rep, Clothing Bank Coord, Community Service Coord, Floor Coord, Hall V-Ps, Food Co-op Coord, Summer Fun Programmer or Resident Assistant with Ancillary Services.
    • Resident Assistant, Hall Coord, Student Chaplain, Accompanist, Set Builder, Art Assistant, Front-of-House, Usher, Poster Hanger, Weight Room Supervisor, Off-Court Official, Off-Ice Official, Gymnasium Supervisor, Team Manager, Student Trainer or Assistant Coach with Augustana.
    • House Manager, Stage Manager, Ticket Seller or Ticket Taker with Faculty of Arts.

Summer Students: If the summer student applied for an award and is awarded, the student will be paid the amount of the award.  The supervisor can elect to provide top up funding and will not be subject to additional employer costs.  If the summer student did apply for an award and is not awarded, the supervisor can elect to provide support.  The minimum amount is $1500 per month for a maximum of four months and will not be subject to additional employer costs.  A letter of rejection from the agency must be supplied.  All other summer students will follow the NASA collective agreement on employment.

Casual Full-Time Students
  • A registered full-time undergraduate or graduate student at the University of Alberta (as defined by the university calendar) in the current or subsequent term and/or;
  • Performing support staff duties which are not listed under Excluded Students and being paid from operating or trust funds.
Please contact the DoM Program Support Human Resources to arrange.

Advertising Research Positions

Postdoctoral Fellows Opportunities

The DoM Office of Research will help supervisors by following the instructions on the Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment website and email the following to the supervisor: PDF Posting Template and Job Posting Request Form.

Faculty and Medicine & Dentistry Summer Student Job Database

Post your summer research positions on this database for jobs of two, three or four months between May and August.

Please ensure the following required information is entered into the database.

  • Supervisor's Name
  • Department/Division/Institute
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • E-mail
  • Project Title
  • Brief Project Description (no more than 200 words)
  • Length of project: 2, 3 or 4 months

NOTE TO SUPERVISORS: Appropriate ethics approvals must be in place prior to the commencement of the project.

Undergraduate Student Research Positions

Postings are normally archived after four months (e.g., one semester). If you need to remove a posting earlier, or would like to extend a posting, please contact

Research Volunteers

Volunteers make valuable contributions to the University of Alberta through various faculties and programs. Departments and administrative units should follow the guidelines below to help the University of Alberta manage potential liability related to engaging volunteers.


Contact the University of Alberta main switchboard: 780-492-3111


Publishing Your Research

Publishing Your Research

What do I need to know about publishing my work?

University of Alberta Library

Need more help. Contact Sperber Library at or 780-492-7947.

ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized.

If you do not yet have an ORCID ID, go to ORCID’s Registration page to create one.

Making the Most of ORCID - Tutorial


How is my research productivity quantified in the Department of Medicine?

Faculty Development