Security teams augment protective services on North Campus this winter

These teams increase the capacity to respond to safety and security incidents.

8 December 2023

We need to make our campuses safer together. Taking a holistic approach to safety and security, the U of A Safety and Security Committee represents our students, faculties and staff, and assists in the identification of priority and emerging security issues on university campuses as well as potential actions and solutions.

The university saw notable increases in security incidents on North Campus last winter and the trend is expected to continue. To increase the capacity to respond to incidents this winter, the university has engaged security guards, who will be posted at seven locations across North Campus.

These security guards are on campus to observe and connect. If urgent assistance is needed to aid people, the guards will notify University of Alberta Protective Services (UAPS). If someone is in life-threatening danger, they will call 911 and notify UAPS. If they observe non-emergency security concerns, they will report them to UAPS.

Security guards are third-party contractors — they are not peace officers. While they will be identified by uniforms, they will not be equipped with radios or keys. Security guards will not approach, confront or otherwise attempt to detain individuals.

Security team locations and schedule

Teams of two security guards will be stationed at tables in the following seven locations during the hours listed. While guards may conduct foot patrols throughout buildings, one guard will be at the table at all times to provide information, hand out brochures and answer questions about campus safety.

  • Fine Arts Building (FAB), on the second floor beside the pedway to HUB Mall from 0:700-15:00
  • HUB Mall, beside the pedway to the Fine Arts Building from 07:00-15:00
  • Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA), at the southeast entrance beside the Health Sciences/Jubilee LRT station from 07:00-15:00
  • Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA), on the second floor by the pedway to the Health Sciences/Jubilee LRT station, Walter C. Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre and Kaye Edmonton Clinic from 07:00-15:00
  • Education Centre North, along the ground floor hallway that runs through the building from 08:00-16:00
  • Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science (CCIS), on the north end of the building near the CCIS/North Lecture Theatres link 08:15-16:15
  • Heritage Medical Research Centre (HMRC), at the intersection between the Education Centre South link and the Katz Group Centre for Pharmacy and Health Research 08:00-15:00

Security teams will be posted from Monday to Friday and will be on-site from December 2023 until the end of March 2024.

Staying safe after hours

If you are studying late or working on campus after hours, there are measures you can take to help keep yourself safe. Even small actions can make a big difference.

  • Know when your building closes and ensure you have access after hours.
  • Work with a colleague or study with a partner, when possible, or use the Lone Worker program
  • Let others know where you are, carry a cell phone and have your ONEcard on you at all times.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts. Be confident and direct when interacting with unknown individuals.
  • Contact Safewalk to book an escort across or from North Campus.
    • If an uncomfortable or dangerous situation arises on a U of A campus, call protective services.
    • 780-492-5050 for North Campus, South Campus and Campus Saint-Jean
    • 780-608-2905 for Augustana Campus 
    • 780-428-1541 for Enterprise Square
    • In an emergency, call 911

For questions about the security teams contact Ruby Ling, Security Program Coordinator with University of Alberta Protective Services.

This notice has been updated to include revised locations and specific hours.