Post-secondary Applicants

See Admissions Information for details on admission selection, program cost, frequently asked questions and more.

Post-secondary applicants are students who have completed high school and have taken more than 6 units of post-secondary coursework. This category also includes applicants that have completed their degree.

Required High School Courses

Effective Fall (August) 2025 Intake

Science 30 can be presented along with either Biology 30 or Chemistry 30.

Minimum of 65% in each of the following high school subjects:

  • English Language Arts 30-1 or 30-2
  • Two of the following:
    • Biology 30
    • Chemistry 30
    • Science 30
  • One of the following:
    • Math 30-1
    • Math 30-2
    • Pure Math 30
    • Applied Math 30

High school provincial equivalents can be found at this link.

Substitution of High School Course Requirements

The following transferable post-secondary credit will be substituted in cases where applicants do not present the above High School-level courses.

A minimum grade of C+ (or equivalent) must be achieved to meet the requirement. 

  • English or Writing (3 units)
  • Biology (3 units)
  • Chemistry (3 units)
  • Any Science (3 units)
  • Mathematics or Statistics (3 units)

Admissions Average

The admissions average calculation is dependent on the amount of transferable post-secondary credits completed.

This table has two columns and uses headers. The first column lists the number of transferable credits, and the second lists the admissions calculation based on those credits.
Amount of transferable
post-secondary coursework
Admissions Average Calculation
6 units or less See High School Applicant.
More than 6 units but less than 24 units Based on both high school average and AGPA
24 units or more Based only on AGPA

High School Average Calculation

The high school average is calculated using the four required course subjects listed above.

Admission Grade Point Average (AGPA) Calculation

The AGPA is calculated on all university transferable coursework completed in the most recent two terms of study if they contain a minimum of 24 units of course weight.

If those two terms contain less than 24 units of course weight, all work in the next most recent term(s) is included in the calculation until the minimum total of 24 units of course weight is reached.

For applicants who have attempted less than 24 units of transferable postsecondary work, the AGPA is based on all university or university transfer credits attempted.


All required documents must be received by the appropriate deadline below. Applications which are incomplete after the deadline will be closed for the upcoming admission year.

Applicants may be required to provide proof of English Language Proficiency and Spoken Language Proficiency. More information about English Language Proficiency Requirements can be found at

Fall (August) Intake

Applicants who fail to submit required documents by May 10 cannot be evaluated for interview selection/admission.

May 10 Official high school transcript Requested on your behalf or sent directly to the UofA (see below)
Unofficial post-secondary transcript with current academic year Fall term grades and Winter term registration Uploaded to your UAlberta Launchpad
June 15 Official post-secondary transcripts with current academic year Fall and Winter grades Requested on your behalf or sent directly to the UofA (see below)
Proof of English Language Proficiency and Spoken English Proficiency, if applicable Test results can be uploaded to your UAlberta Launchpad

Winter (April) Intake

Applicants who fail to submit required documents by November 15 cannot be evaluated for interview selection/admission.

November 15 Official high school transcript Requested on your behalf or sent directly to the UofA (see below)
Unofficial post-secondary transcript with current academic year Fall and Winter registration Uploaded to your UAlberta Launchpad
February 15 Official post-secondary transcripts with current academic year Fall grades Requested on your behalf or sent directly to the UofA (see below)
Proof of English Language Proficiency and Spoken English Proficiency, if applicable Test results can be uploaded to your UAlberta Launchpad


Alberta high school students: Your transcripts will be sent to the university automatically through ApplyAlberta.

Out-of-province high school students: You are responsible for ensuring that your final, official transcripts are sent to the university, or for authorizing your school or province to do so. Official transcripts will only be accepted if received directly from the issuing institution or ministry.

Post-secondary students: If applicable, we may be able to obtain transcripts from certain participating ApplyAlberta institutions on your behalf. Please carefully review the status of your documents in UAlberta Launchpad. You are responsible to request any other transcripts and/or documents required in support of your application, as indicated in UAlberta Launchpad.

Please have final official transcripts sent to:

Via Email:

Via Mail:
Office of the Registrar and Student Awards
University of Alberta
11487 89 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2M7

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