
Translational Research Implementation Fund


The Department of Medicine (DoM) Translational Research Implementation Fund is designed to support research to generate preliminary data or pilot data with the expectation that it would be used for future applications, particularly Tri-Agency (CIHR). These funds should not be used to supplement existing research-funded programs (but they could be used to supplement DoM start-up funds).

The types of research supported are typically projects eligible for CIHR funding and include:

  1. Translational research using animal models for human disease, tissues or cells from patients, etc.
  2. Clinical research
  3. Quality improvement

Maximum Value: $70,000

The DoM Translational Research Implementation Fund will operate for four years and be re-evaluated at that point. The fund will distribute $70,000 each year to successful applicants:

  • up to one $30,000 award, and
  • up to two $20,000 awards

Applicants can request up to $30,000; however, whether they receive $30,000 or $20,000 will depend on the ranking among the applicants based on the objective assessment formula (see below).

Competition Deadline

Deadline: Sunday, June 8, 2025 @11:59 p.m. MT.

This competition takes place annually in late Spring/early Summer, so that the applicants can coordinate their application with the University Hospital Foundation’s Medical Research Competition and/or the Kaye Competition grants (in other words, the applicants can have the same application for this project, as well as the other two to achieve cumulative funding, if needed). Success in this application does not require success in the other applications.

Terms of Reference and Application Process



To apply for this competition, the Principal Investigator must be:
  • As per the UAPPOL, eligible to apply for and hold research funding at the University of Alberta;
  • Primarily appointed in the DoM, University of Alberta with at least 20% research protected time. Preference will be given to a member within the first three years of initial appointment; however, all career stages will be considered.


A complete application form must be submitted with the requested supporting documentation in a single PDF format to the DoM Office of Research.

Applications that are either: a) incomplete, or b) non-compliant with the program guidelines and/or application instructions may not be forwarded for review/funding consideration.

Application Package

Your application should be simple (11 pages) and include:

  • Application form;
  • Abstract (maximum 200 words);
  • Research proposal (maximum 3 pages);
  • Figures, charts and graphs (maximum 1 page)
  • References (maximum 1 page, as a separate document and do not count towards the 3-page limit for the research proposal);
  • Budget/budget justification (maximum 1 page);
  • Condensed CV (3 pages); CIHR biosketch can be used.

Application Form


Review Process and Notification

All applications are evaluated by a committee comprised of the following members:

  • The DoM Associate Chair, Research (non-voting member);
  • Three DoM researchers;
  • One researcher external from the DoM;
  • One adhoc researcher (internal or external to the DoM).

An objective formula will be used to calculate a score of each proposal by the reviewers, which will include relative weights of the following factors:

  • 50% novelty;
  • 30% feasibility;
  • 10% career stage (1 point for first 3 years; 0 for subsequent years); mid-senior career
    investigators (higher than 3 years) previous academic productivity will get up to 10%.
  • 10% upon methods of securing additional funds.

The exact amount of awarded funds may be less than the requested funds and will be decided each year by the committee based on the grant objective, grant score and the availability of funds.

Competition Results

Official result letters and competition feedback will be emailed to the applicant.

Award Implementation and Acceptance

The award must be accepted and account requirements complete in accordance with the timelines stipulated on the formal offer of award letter. Implementation requirements include completion of the account set-up requirements according to the Research Services Office guidelines to facilitate the DoM’s reception of an advice notice. Funds will be deposited by September 1 or as soon as required animal or human ethics has been submitted.


The projects have to be completed in about a year, at which point, the Principal Investigator must complete and submit a progress report prior to the deadline of the department annual report in the spring. The report should include a summary of the research conducted and the significance of the results and any publications.

Funding Results


The DoM received a number of outstanding applications submitted by our faculty.

A total of 19 applications were received with three being awarded for a total of $90,000.

Congratulations to the following DoM members on receiving the Translational Research Implementation Fund (TRIF) 2024 grant.

2024 Translational Research Implementation Fund Recipients

2024 Recipients
Kam (Ming) Chan Physical
Medicine and
$30,000 The novel role of bone in promoting nerve regeneration following injury
Toru Tateno Endocrinology and Metabolism $30,000 Elucidating cellular mechanisms
underlying pituitary tumorigenesis and
hormone production using pituitary
tumor cell spheroid generated without
chemicals/genetic modifications
Jonathan Windram Cardiology $30,000 Detection of subclinical cardiovascular
dysfunction in adults with congenital
heart disease
TOTAL $90,000

A total of 16 applications were received with three being awarded for a total of $70,000.

Congratulations to the following DoM members on receiving the Translational Research Implementation Fund (TRIF) 2023 grant.

2023 Recipients
Mahesh Kate Neurology $20,000 Early motor cortex reactivity with high-fidelity functional near-infrared spectroscopy in patients with acute ischemic stroke
Cynthia Wu Hematology $20,000 Smart garment for deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis: A pilot feasibility study
Douglas Zochodne Neurology $30,000 A novel molecular approach to enhance neural regeneration
TOTAL $70,000


DoM Research Office
13-103 Clinical Sciences Building
Edmonton, AB T6G 2P4
Phone: 780-492-8986