
Elective time is available to subspecialty trainees on approval of the Program Director in both the first and second years of the Training Program. Elective rotations include the following, but may also be designed to suit the needs of a particular trainee.


  1. Intensive Care Nephrology
    Four-week elective rotations in the ICU may be done under the supervision of a Critical Care Nephrologist. These may be done at either the Royal Alexandra Hospital or the University of Alberta Hospital under arrangement with Drs. Duggan, Johnston or Pannu. This elective will address topics such as the management of poisonings, acid-base and electrolyte disturbances, and acute renal failure in the critically ill patient. Particular focus will be on the indications and application of continuous renal replacement therapies and intermittent hemodialysis in this patient population
  2. Community Nephrology
    Two community nephrologists in urban centers outside Edmonton will supervise subspecialty trainees for a four-week elective. Both practices include a mix of general internal medicine and general nephrology, including the care of end-stage renal disease patients managed in satellite hemodialysis units and via chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. This elective will familiarize the trainee with the community practice environment. The trainee will respond to hospital and office consults under the nephrologist's supervision, and manage problems that arise among the end-stage renal disease patients in the practice. The elective is available for trainees in their second year
  3. Human Immunogenetics Laboratory
    A four-week elective is offered in the Immunogenetics laboratory of the University of Alberta Hospital. The trainee will receive instruction in the interpretation of HLA typing results, panel reactive antibody screening and cross match testing of potential renal transplant recipients. This elective should be done in conjunction with a research project or other suitable elective
  4. Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Clinic
    A four-week ambulatory care elective is offered supervised by members of the Division of General Internal Medicine. The trainee will respond to consults focused on investigation and management of patients with difficult-to-control hypertension or hypertension in the setting of multiple comorbidities. This elective should be taken in conjunction with a research project or other suitable elective
  5. Pediatric Nephrology
    Please see "Pediatric Rotation" description
  6. Diagnostic Imaging / Renal Biopsy Elective
    A four-week elective may be taken in renal ultrasonography with the consent of the Program Director. This elective will familiarize the trainee with the practical aspects of renal imaging techniques, and enhance the trainee's familiarity with the technique of renal biopsy. Under arrangement with the Diagnostic Imaging staff, the trainee will receive instruction in the evaluation of abdominal ultrasounds and other renal imaging modalities. The trainee will receive intensive experience in renal biopsy under the supervision of the Nephrology staff. This elective should be taken in conjunction with a research project or other suitable elective
  7. External Electives
    The trainee may propose an elective at another center pursuant with their career goals if similar training is not offered at the University of Alberta. The elective will be offered with the approval of the Program Director


  1. Wet Bench Electives
    Please see "Research Rotation" description
  2. Clinical Research
    Trainees are strongly encouraged to participate in a quality assurance project or in the description of a case report. In addition, more advance training is offered in the methods and conduct of clinical research. The trainee may participate in an established project or develop a new project with a staff supervisor. Currently, spheres of interest within the Division include medical ethics, health economics, the management of dialysis, cardiovascular risk, or progression of renal disease, and renal transplantation. The trainee should identify a supervisor before or within a few weeks of beginning the training program. Dedicated elective time may be taken after the project has been approved by the Residency Program Steering Committee