Dermatology Program Information
PGY1 and 2
Years One and Two, although basic clinical years, are geared towards dermatology.
The hospitals involved in this training are: University of Alberta Hospitals, Grey Nuns Hospital, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Stollery Children's Hospital, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Misericordia Community Hospital and the Cross Cancer Institute.
Mandatory rotations for dermatology residents, as stipulated by the Dermatology Specialty Committee (RCPSC), are infectious diseases and rheumatology; as well as completion of either ONE year of internal medicine OR ONE year of pediatrics during the PGY1 and PGY2 years.
One elective block is offered during PGY1 and one is offered in PGY2 year. The content and location of these electives is determined by resident interest, areas of need based on ongoing resident evaluations and opportunities offered by sites of excellence and external funding. The final proposal for electives will be made by the resident in consultation with the residency program director.
This year is dedicated entirely to dermatology training, as described below.
Program Year Three
- Pediatric /Melanoma
- Dermatopathology
- Rural Dermatology
- Academic Dermatology
- Elective
- Community Dermatology
- On-call/ UDC (University Dermatology Clinic)
This year is dedicated entirely to dermatology training, as described below.
Program Year Four
- Pediatric /Melanoma
- Dermatopathology
- Contact Dermatitis / General Dermatology
- Laser & Cosmetic
- Academic Dermatology
- Electives
- Community Dermatology
- Mohs surgery
- On-call/ UDC (University Dermatology Clinic)
- Senior resident clinic longitudinal
The facilities and expertise offered during Year Four and Five are similar to that described above for Year Three, except that an increased graded level of responsibility and performance/knowledge will be expected.
This year is dedicated entirely to dermatology training, as described below.
Program Year Five
- Pediatric / Melanoma
- Community Dermatology
- On-call/ UDC (University Dermatology Clinic)
- Dermatopathology
- Research
- Contact Dermatitis / General Dermatology
- Cosmetic Dermatology
- Elective
- Mohs surgery
- Senior resident clinic longitudinal
General clinical dermatology:
The Division of Dermatology at the University of Alberta enjoys dedicated clinic space in the Kaye Edmonton Clinic Building, (Level 3, 3C1.01, 11400 University Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6G 1Z1, Phone: 780-407-1257). The space allocated to dermatology will include: TWELVE examination rooms, TWO procedural rooms (that incorporate several lasers) and a fully equipped phototherapy unit (ONE narrow-band UVB unit, ONE combination unit [UVA for PUVA and NB-UVB] and ONE hand-foot NB UVB machine).
Specialty clinics are addressing:
- vulvar diseases
- contact dermatitis/patch testing
- low-risk melanoma and tumour surveillance clinic in immunosuppressed transplant patients
- multidisciplinary (oncologist, surgical oncologist, dermatologist) melanoma clinic
- multidisciplinary lymphoma clinic (dermatology/medical oncology/radiation oncology/hematology)
There are procedural clinics and Pediatric patients are incorporated into general clinics. This is complemented by FOUR dedicated pediatric clinics per week in the Stollery Children's Hospital (see below):
Pediatric Dermatology:
This is a longitudinal clinic that is attended throughout the PGY3-5 resident years. Residents are expected to obtain a history, complete a physical exam, arrange appropriate investigations and administer /prescribe appropriate treatment. All pediatric cases are reviewed with attending staff.
The dedicated pediatric dermatology clinics are under the supervision of Dr. Loretta Fiorillo (Program Director). All residents rotate through on a sequential basis and have equal opportunity to pediatric dermatology. Dr. Fiorillo holds Royal College certification in dermatology and paediatrics. She conducts 4 to 6 high volume clinics each week that see an average of 40 patients daily. About 2 to 4 biopsies and 5 fungal scrapings are done daily. These are patients referred by family physicians, pediatricians and other dermatologists. They cover a wide variety of disorders, from common conditions to many rare and genetic disorders. Approximately 10% of all patients seen in the outpatient dermatology clinics are pediatric patients.
Dermatologic surgery:
During general dermatology clinics, patients often require biopsies. These are most commonly punch biopsies, but shave biopsy and elliptical excision are also performed. These are generally performed by the resident under the supervision of the attending dermatologist.
Dr. Salopek offers two dermatologic surgery clinics per week, on Tuesday. In these clinics, excisions of benign and malignant lesions are done. Procedures include punch biopsies, punch excisions, shave excisions, curettage, electrosurgery, wide excisions, flap closures, nail surgeries from simple avulsion to ablation of the nail unit, and cryosurgery.
Residents also participate in the surgical clinics of Dr Lortie, M. Taher and Keeling, all certified Mohs surgeons. A dedicated Mohs surgery rotation is offered in both PGY4 and 5 years.
This is offered through Dr. Mahmood at UofA, and at Dynalife. Residents are given 10-12 slides on a certain theme of disorders, and are expected to review them on their own time. A session is conducted for one hour each month to discuss the cases. Also, while on rotation with Dr. Mahmood and Dynalife Dermatopathologists, residents are given several dermatopathology textbooks to review. Residents are also expected to review independently daily dermatopathology routines in the morning before sitting and finalizing under supervision the cases in the afternoon.
All residents are encouraged to do research and are required to produce at least one scholarly article or presentation per year. Any faculty member can serve as supervisor. Regarding bench type research, Dr. John Elliott, is a well-respected academic researcher and immunologist, is highly experienced in the conduct of basic research and has a research lab. Dr. Robert Gniadecki also has tremendous experience in both clinical and basic research and has a research lab. The division has funds dedicated to support research, especially the kind of activity that is not amenable to application for major grants. These funds are derived from revenues generated by the annual CME meeting offered by the Division to family physicians.
All residents are highly encouraged to present at national and international academic conferences.
We are fortunate to be part of a very well-funded and research-oriented University which offers not only financial resources but also administrative and statistical assistance through the Research Services Office (RSO) at the University of Alberta.
Community dermatology:
Residents are highly encouraged to take advantage of training opportunities offered by community dermatologists. The program offers a mandatory community rotation and one rural dermatology rotation in R3 year, one community and one cosmetic rotation (also held outside the university) in the R4 year and three community rotations in year 5 to prepare the resident for independent practice. Community rotations are held in private dermatologists' offices throughout Edmonton. All the supervising dermatologists hold a University appointment. The residents are encouraged to rotate through different offices to be exposed to a variety of practice styles and interests.
Cosmetic and laser dermatology:
This is offered to PGY4 and 5 residents at the clinics of Dr Z. Taher, who has an extensive numbers of lasers.
Rural dermatology:
In this rotation the residents are exposed to the challenges of practising in a remote community, physically away from many specialists, sophisticated resources and support. The rural locations associated with our program are Canmore (Dr. Paul Lubitz) a picturesque mountain town at the edge of the Banff national park, and Red Deer (Dr. Isaiah Day) a city located half way between Edmonton and Calgary.
Senior dermatology resident's clinic:
This newly instituted longitudinal continuity clinic has been established to prepare the residents for independent practice and exposure to the challenges of chronic diseases. It runs for 1 year, from the last 6 months of PGY4 to the first 6 months of PGY5
Elective content of training:
Electives are meant to provide opportunities for more concentrated and/or more in-depth training in areas of resident interest or in realms of deficiency, with respect to the program and/or the specific resident. Residents are expected to discuss their elective plans with the Program Director to ensure the elective is consistent with the resident's career plans, level of training, interests and with internal offerings within the division.
Training Sites:
Hospital based rotations are conducted at the following sites:
- University of Alberta Hospital Site (UDC - Kaye Edmonton Clinic)
- Royal Alexandra Hospital Site
- Stollery Children's Health Centre
- W. W. Cross Cancer Institute
- Misericordia hospital
- Grey Nun's Hospital
All of these sites have access to electronic medical resources, through terminals located on the wards. Each resident has a personal password assigned which allows access to electronic medical records on patients, laboratory results, and web-based learning resources.
Each site has a hospital library for access to reference materials. In addition, the Walter F. Scott Health Sciences Library, located at the University of Alberta Hospital Site serves the region.
- Weekly Dermatology academic half-days with live patients rounds alternating with digital morphology and dermatopathology rounds with an emphasis on evidence-based medicine
- Protected time to enable attendance at academic day sessions
- Calls are from home one week at a time during the on call rotation only
- Ratio of residents to faculty during core Dermatology years ~ 1:1
- Ample elective and selective time is offered allowing opportunities for you to choose rotations based on your career goals.
- Faculty and department are committed to excellence in clinical medicine, research, and medical education