About Us

The Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta has committed to nurturing an inclusive learning community and recognizes the inherent dignity of all learners. As such, accommodation support is available to remove barriers for eligible students who encounter limitations or restrictions to their ability to perform the activities necessary for university life.

Proctoring Services

The PASS team supports instructors whose students require exam accommodations. We ensure that students have access to their individualized exam accommodations including extended time, adaptive technology, alternate formats and environmental adaptations. These services are provided for any Augustana student who has registered with PASS.

Accessing Proctoring Services

For Students

Steps to register for exam accommodations can be found on the Clockwork Student Services page. If you are having trouble navigating this, please contact us.

Clockwork Student Services

For Instructors

If you wish your students to write with Augustana Proctoring Services, be sure to request this when creating your class test definition in ClockWork.

Instructor Services Portal

Accommodations + Accessibility

The University of Alberta collaborates with various departments and off-campus agencies to address student needs, advocating for educational equity based on medical and non-medical protected grounds per the Alberta Human Rights Commission.

Eligibility + Accommodations

Learn about accommodation eligibility, how to register for accommodations, and required documentation.

Approved for Accommodations

Students who have already registered for accommodations have responsibilities each semester to ensure that their accommodations remain active.

Information for Instructors

Since the instructor’s role is central to the student’s learning experience, our office collaborates frequently with you and our shared students throughout the academic year.

Duty to Accommodate

The University of Alberta is obligated by Alberta Human Rights legislation to provide accessibility-related accommodations to students with disabilities to the point of undue hardship.

Learn more

Campus Accessibility + Emergency Procedures

Learn more about the accessibility of our buildings, classrooms, residences and grounds, as well as what to do in the event of an emergency evacuation.

Learn more

Student Success

We provide professional academic support to help students maximize their academic success and achieve their academic goals.

Offered Services

Over the course of the academic year, we provide current students with:

  • Workshops covering the academic skills that every student needs to develop to be the best student they can be.
  • One-on-one meetings with students on academic probation to guide them through their academic journey.
  • One-on-one meetings with students to support them by reviewing learning strategies and directing them to resources to support their needs.

Upcoming Workshops

Contact Us

If you are seeking guidance for accessibility and academic success, please submit a ticket or book an appointment with one of our advisors. If you have any questions, please contact augar@ualberta.ca.

Book an Appointment Access Student Service Portal

Proctoring, Accessibility + Student Success Advisors

Ahad Syed

Ahad Syed | He/Him

Peace be upon you! My name is Ahad and I am one of the student success and accessibility advisors at Augustana Campus. With a background in mental health and a passion for supporting students, I look forward to working with you to learn about you and support you in meeting your academic goals!

Office: Forum L 1-074
Phone: 780-679-1648

Sarah Tregonning

Sarah Tregonning | She/Her

My name is Sarah and I am one of the student success and accessibility advisors at Augustana Campus. My motto in everything is “there’s always a way, we just have to find it.” Being successful can mean many things and no matter what, I want to make sure that every student is set up to succeed. If you’re not sure what the best route to your success will be, I can help with support, services and advocacy.

Office: Forum L 1-072
Phone: 780-679-1649