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About us

Augustana Chaplaincy is an integral part of the student experience. Rooted in the Lutheran tradition, it is ecumenical in scope as it accompanies the community on a journey of educating the whole person - body, mind, heart and spirit.

Students of all faiths and those with no faith background are welcome to be a part of and contribute to the Chaplaincy program.

Chaplaincy at Augustana has three components:

  1. It provides community building activities for all.
  2. It upholds multi-faith celebrations. Students are encouraged to contact the Chaplaincy team if there is a tradition of any spirituality that they would like to see celebrated on campus.
  3. It provides a place of Christian worship and community.

We extend a warm welcome to all students and uphold a safe space for all sexual orientations and gender identities to be celebrated.

Faith-Based Activities

Centering Prayer

Tuesdays 8 a.m. in the Chapel

Holy Communion + Soup & Fellowship

Wednesdays 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel

TGIF Worship Service

Fridays 12:30 - 1 p.m. in the Chapel

Connect with a chaplain from another faith tradition


2024-25 student chaplains.

What’s Cookin’ Soup Supper 2025: In It Together

Date: Sunday, March 2, 2025
Time: 5 p.m. MST
Location: Augustana Chapel

At our What’s Cookin’? Soup Supper fundraiser, we invite you to join us together in welcoming our new chaplain Andrea Wilhelm and hear what she has to say about how we are all In It Together.

Tickets are $25 each. $15 for students and children


We would like to celebrate this milestone with all of our supporters. If the cost is prohibitive please email

Ongoing Activities 


Soup Supper

A free meal for on and off-campus staff, students and community members.

Tuesdays 5 p.m. in the Faith & Life Lounge.



A community marketplace of reciprocity where all are free to take and give. This huge annual event is held in the Forum every fall. Don’t miss out on the fashion show!



Reciprocity Shelf

This community supports itself with a shelf. All are welcome to share and receive snacks and food from the reciprocity shelf. It is located in the Wellness Space of the Forum.

connect with us


Student Chaplains


Augustana Chaplaincy is a renewed, reinvigorated and vital element of the Augustana experience we all treasure. If you would like to make a gift to Augustana Chaplaincy, you may do so either online through the link below or by printing out and mailing in the Giving Form.

Give Here

Andrea Wilhelm and Sara Smith

Chaplaincy Services and Spiritual Care

Chaplaincy services and spiritual care are for persons of all faith and non-faith traditions and spiritualities, wherever you are on your journey. Appointments are available with Augustana Chaplaincy staff, Andrea Wilhelm and Sara Smith.

Book an appointment with Chaplaincy

Office: 2-140 & 2-141 Learning Commons (Second Floor of the Library)

Multi-Faith Prayer Room

Multi-faith Prayer Room

Located in the Faith & Life Lounge, the Multi-Faith Prayer Room is a space for anyone of any faith or spirituality to use. Students wanting to smudge on campus are able to do so in this space as specified in the University of Alberta's ceremonial guidelines for smudging.

Please email if there are any additional supplies you would request for this space.

If you desire to hold a multi-faith celebration, please contact Pastor Andrea at