Sedation Assistant Certification

Continuing education for registered dental hygienists (RDHs) and registered dental assistants (RDAs) in Edmonton, Alberta

CE credits will vary* | $750** In-person & online Limited capacity

* This number is an estimate. Your regulatory body will issue the credits.
**In Edmonton. Prices for the offerings outside of Edmonton will differ.

Help manage patients’ anxiety.  Sedation is proven effective and safe for reducing stress in anxious patients. Add it to an office’s patient treatment options by getting certified for administering or assisting now. Explore sedation and become a critical team member in its administration! This course can be taken by registered dental hygienists, registered dental assistants, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and emergency medical technicians.

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What you will learn


In most provinces, it is a requirement to have a sedation-trained assistant in the operatory during any sedation. We designed the course to prepare sedation assistants to be key team members in many types of sedation delivery.

This technology-integrated course combines the convenience of remote learning through eClass and the effectiveness of in-person learning with our on-site workshops. Before on-site attendance, there is a three-week study period (approx. 30 hours) with a theoretical review, video lectures and multiple-choice quizzes.

  • Workshop A: The mechanics of sedation - equipment overview of N2O/O2 and IV
  • Workshop B: Monitoring and record keeping - BP, HR, RR, O2Sat, Pre/Peri/post assessments and records
  • Workshop C: Risk management and preparing for emergencies (emergency kit)
  • Workshop D: Medical emergency simulation scenarios with airway management, BVM, OPAs, iGels


Pre-study outline

During the three-week study period before on-site attendance, participants will study:

  • Pain and anxiety in dentistry
  • Spectrum of pain and anxiety control
  • Modes of sedation
  • Mechanics of sedation
  • Monitoring and record keeping
  • Complications and emergency response
  • College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta's Sedation Standards

Participants will also receive 12 video lectures from the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology and multiple-choice quizzes.

Once a review of the above materials is complete, participants will complete a written (multiple choice) quiz.

On-site course components

  • A lecture overview of home study components
  • Break out sessions
  • Lecture summary review

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Pricing and details


Participants must have:

  • Current CPR certificate (BLS – issued within the last 12 months that will remain valid through the clinical sessions).
  • Active practicing license from a regulatory authority in Canada.

Payment Details

Payment for the course is due upon registration unless participants are attending this course as part of the IV conscious sedation program.

View Available Dates and Pricing

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Our leading faculty

Andrew Reid
Registered nurse

Reid, BScN, MEd, is a registered nurse and simulation consultant with Alberta Health Services, working mainly with the University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.

Previously, he worked as a staff nurse in the emergency department at U of A Hospital, and as a medical technician in the Canadian Forces.


Darla Carter
Registered dental assistant

Carter, RDA, has been working in the dental field for over 20 years.

Carter has been involved with continuing educational programs focused on sedation, neuromodulators, and most recently dental implants. Her interest in helping others learn and find value in the dental assisting profession, drive her to discover new and exciting ways to provide educational excellence to all.


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Future dates

Are you looking for different course dates? The new course schedules will be available in August.

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