Convocation spotlight: Dentistry '23 grad Adam Manfrin
6 June 2023

Dentistry '23 grad Adam Manfrin. Photo supplied.
What initially drew you to this area of study?
I love working with my hands and interacting with people; this was a great combination of the two.
What achievement, accomplishment or moment are you most proud of from your time in the program?
Helping to build the Access for All dentistry program, a partnership between the U of A, the Métis Nation of Alberta and the Dental Students' Association. We were able to develop a mobile dental clinic which has been integrated into the dentistry and dental hygiene programs. The clinic provides free oral health care for rural Métis communities in Alberta and has been able to help over 100 patients in its first two trips.
What was the biggest challenge you faced?
Managing several commitments simultaneously. I maintained positions as the Dental Students' Association treasurer, the Access for All co-chair, a Day of Dentistry student representative and with the Professionalism Triage Committee. I also run a small business that manufactures specialized dental equipment.
How did you stay motivated and who helped you keep going when things got tough?
I drew on multiple systems. I would say the folks at the Office of Advocacy and Wellbeing in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, my wife, Orysya Svystun, and my team lead, Suzanne Depledge, were my greatest supports. I cannot thank them enough for their advice, support and advocacy. I would not have been able to achieve nearly what I have without them. They were always there to pick me up when I fell and guide me when I got distracted.
What advice would you give to a student thinking of entering this program of study/specialization?
Before making the decision to choose dentistry, I would shadow a dentist for a few days to get an idea of if this type of health-care is right for you.
What have you learned about yourself, and how will you use this going forward?
I learned that I derive much more personal satisfaction in contributing to an organization bigger than myself and that I enjoy teaching others.
What comes next for you in your career/academic journey?
I will be traveling to Boston for a year to complete a general practice residency with Tufts University and several hospitals in the greater Boston area.