Great supervisor awarded to Dentistry researcher
Jessalyn King - 30 April 2020
Daniela Roth, one of Graf's students, smiles during a lab zoom meeting with Graf and fellow students
Dr. Daniel Graf, researcher with the School of Dentistry, received the "Great Supervisor" award from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.
His passion for "training the future generation of scientists, clinician-scientists, researchers," as he puts it, has not gone unnoticed. In the nomination letter, his colleagues and students state, "We have witnessed the remarkable way that Dr. Graf’s mentorship and supervision have bolstered ambitious students and uplifted those who have struggled in the past."
One of Graf's students, MSc candidate Daniela Roth says, "Dr. Graf is always ready to hear about exciting new results – which motivates us to work hard to deliver them. When our group is as enthusiastic about what we do as he is, everyone succeeds. I think this shows when you look at our record at conferences and in leadership."
Roth along with PhD candidate Pranidhi Baddam have recently returned from a conference in Germany with Dr. Graf where they were elected Gordon Research Seminar co-chairs for the next meeting. Baddam adds that "Dr. Graf goes out of his way to develop his students to be excellent critical thinkers. He truly believes in empowering all his students to be independent scientists and give us all the freedom to take on projects that the students feel are compelling."
Both students feel they wouldn't be pursuing graduate school without Graf's supervision. Baddam explains, "My first experience with foundational sciences research was during my undergraduate degree in Dr. Graf’s lab. He accepted me into his lab knowing that I was coming with no prior research experience. In addition to that, he believed in me so much that he gave me my own project to work on as an undergraduate student." This is an honour not often bestowed, but his confidence paid off. "My undergraduate experience inspired me to pursue graduate school in the same lab and my graduate school experience has set me to pursue a career in academia. Throughout my PhD, Dr. Graf has not only challenged me scientifically to be a better researcher, but he also encouraged me and supported me to take part in extracurricular activities, which is the reason why I was able to step up to be President of the Student Research Group here."
Graf says, "Receiving an award at University level for excellence in supervision and mentorship means a lot to me. What makes it even more rewarding is that this is a student-initiated award."
He goes on to say, "Foundational researchers at the School have few opportunities to receive recognition at the School level since we are less involved in dentist and hygienist student teaching and training. This does not make our work less important or challenging, and I appreciate the recognition."
Roth says of Graf's passion for the scientific method, "I see him lead by example by striking up interdisciplinary collaborations and often drawing our attention to interesting questions. I’m most motivated by the spark of curiosity that he has harboured through the years. When I picture myself as a researcher in the future, I hope that I can also remember what is so intriguing about science."
There will be a reception honouring the Great Supervisors from various faculties once isolation is lifted, but we can all join our hands now to recognize an award well earned.