The Edmonton and District Dental Society along with the University of Alberta's Dentistry for Life is hosting a charity event May 4th, 2018 at the Blatchford Hanger at Fort Edmonton. This casual event will focus on raising funds for the new Boyle McCauley Dental Clinic.
The current dental facility is located in the basement of the Boyle McCauley Health Centre on 96 street in Edmonton's inner city. The clinic provides low-cost dental treatment throughout the week for patients who would have limited access to dental care. On Saturdays, the clinic is the location for the dental and dental hygiene students' amazing SHINE initiative, which provides free dental care to those in great need.
The current Boyle McCauley Dental facility is very cramped and is being repurposed. As a result, the dental clinic is being relocated just a few blocks away, in the main floor of the new Metis Association of Alberta's housing facility. The facility will function much has it has done in the past, however, it will be expanded to allow dental and dental hygiene students to engage in externship opportunities throughout the week as well.
The event on May 4th is a fundraiser to showcase this clinic and the valuable role it plays in our community. We will be raising funds for the University of Alberta's Dentistry for Life campaign which has a component that is dedicated to the relocation and operation of the Boyle McCauley clinic. This is some information on the School's website:
The event will feature a live and silent auction plus live entertainment with Jay Gilday and his Band, a local artist with amazing vocal and musical talent.
Tickets can be purchased at through EventBrite.