Access, Community + Belonging Public Accountability and Transparency Requirements

The University of Alberta Canada Research Chairs Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity Strategic Plan was launched February 2019.

Commitment Statement

The University of Alberta uses the following equity, diversity, and inclusion statement related to the Canada Research Chair Program (CRCP) and the University's broader research enterprise:

"The University of Alberta is committed to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workforce. We welcome applications from all qualified persons. We encourage women; First Nations, Métis and Inuit persons; members of visible minority groups; persons with disabilities; persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity and expression; and all those who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas and the University to apply."

Awareness Strategy

The University of Alberta has developed a strategy for raising awareness within the institution regarding its commitment to and the benefits of equity, diversity, and inclusion within the CRCP and the broader research enterprise. The university's commitment is established in the Institutional Strategic Plan entitled, "For the Public Good," which commits the university to "Build a diverse, inclusive community of exceptional students, faculty, and staff from Alberta, Canada, and the world."

With respect to specific commitments related to CRC recruitment, the university works with faculties to develop faculty-level equity plans to support the achievement of institutional CRC program targets. The University of Alberta also promotes awareness more generally through the work of the EDI Scoping Group, a broad consultative group whose mandate includes identifying and raising EDI-related issues and acting as ambassadors for university EDI priorities and initiatives across the university. Supported by the Scoping Group, the university is currently socializing its new institutional EDI Strategic Plan, which will be launched formally in 2019.

The EDI Strategic Plan details specific commitments related to data collection, policies and practices, resources and programming, and institutional target setting. In addition, the university is developing a new EDI portal on its website to act as a gateway for EDI-related resources, including resources related to the CRC EDI Action Plan.


The University of Alberta Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan will be approved according to the governance processes and practices of the institution. The action plan represents many of the guiding frameworks as identified in the Institutional Strategic Plan, For the Public Good. These guiding frameworks inform and influence the decision-making of the University of Alberta. For the Public Good was approved by the Board of Governors and the General Faculties Council (GFC) in June 2016. The approval of the action plan will ensure that it reflects the values of the University of Alberta and the people it serves.

University of Alberta Equity Action Plan

View the University of Alberta Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan

Contact Information for Concerns

At the University of Alberta, the Deputy Provost is responsible for implementing the institution's equity, diversity and inclusion agenda. The Deputy Provost can respond to questions or concerns related to equity, diversity and inclusion.

Dr. Kathryn Todd

Deputy Provost (Academic)
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
2-40D South Academic Building
Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2G7
Phone: 780-492-1893

EDI Concerns

EDI concerns and disclosures are made to the Office of Safe Disclosure & Human Rights (OSDHR). Disclosures will be analyzed by OSDHR staff in cooperation with the Deputy Provost on a regular basis to explore systemic barriers and recurrent problems that apply to the institution. In order for an individual to report an EDI concern to senior management, please use the well-established procedure and mechanism of OSDHR. These concerns are received by OSDHR and appropriately reported to senior management to address EDI concerns for the institution.

Report an EDI concern

Equity Targets and Gaps

For more information about the University of Alberta's equity targets and gaps please download the University of Alberta Public Report (see below) or visit CRC equity target data for the Program's statistics page.

Staffing Policies

Policies that govern the staffing of Canada Research Chair positions at the University of Alberta are published and updated on University of Alberta Policies and Procedures On-line (UAPPOL). The University is transitioning from the General Faculties Council (GFC) to UAPPOL. The most relevant policy to this CRC requirement, on UAPPOL, is the Academic Staff Posting and Advertising Procedure.

CRCP Utilization Spreadsheet

View the UAlberta CRCP Utilization Spreadsheet online. This spreadsheet outlines how many chair allocations the University of Alberta has, how many are filled and by which chairholders (with their term end and start dates), type of flex moves used and which allocations are available.

Job Advertisements

Current External Job Advertisements

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) and Canada Research Chair Tier 2 in Islet Biology
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Alberta Diabetes Research Institute
Closing date: Will remain open until filled.

Current Internal Job Advertisements

Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier 2 Professor (Engineering)
Faculty of Engineering - Deans Office
Closing date: March 21, 2025

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Glycomics (Science)
Faculty of Science - Deans Office
Closing date: March 21, 2025

2025 UAlberta Emergency Retention
Posted February 19, 2025

External Job Advertisements (ARCHIVE)

Here is a three-year archive of the external CRC and CERC Job Advertisements (click below to view individual postings):

Internal Job Advertisements (ARCHIVE)

Here is a three-year archive of the internal CRC Job Advertisements (click below to view individual postings):

CRCP Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Webpage

Access more information on the CRCP Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Practices page.

University of Alberta Public Report

View the UAlberta Public Report on progress made in meeting its equity, diversity, and inclusion objectives (updated every December 15th starting December 15, 2018).

University of Alberta Equity Target Plan (2021) 

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Training

The University of Alberta provides training on equity, diversity and inclusion - including instructions on limiting the impact of unconscious bias to all individuals involved in the chair recruitment process. All members of selection/hiring committees must complete training on equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Federal Government EDI Training

Training can be accomplished either by completing the CRC online training module offered by the Federal Government or by attending training on Campus offered by the University of Alberta EDI group. Each member of hiring or selection committees is required to self-register in training and to inform the chair of the committee that this training has been completed. Hiring units must document that all participants have completed this training in their competition files.

Federal Government - Unconscious Bias training

University of Alberta EDI Training

Training is offered by the University of Alberta Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) group. Hiring committee members must contact the EDI group for information about upcoming sessions. The EDI group offers many helpful training courses regarding this issue but the most relevant training is "Introduction to Unconscious Bias." Each participant in selection/hiring committees should attend, at least, one such training session in order to meet this requirement.

Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion training

Important Links