Artificial Intelligence at the U of A

We Are relentless in our pursuit to positively impact humankind.

More inclusivity in more places.
Environmental stewardship.
Safer roads.
Better patient care.

And to think it all started with a game of chess.

The artificial intelligence investment making history

Twenty new faculty members will weave together their expertise to start solving our world's most complex problems — cementing Alberta as a global leader in AI.


What are we doing at the U of A?

We Are

#1 in Canada for AI research

Some of the people behind the breakthroughs:

Our Partners

Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii): Created in 2002 with significant investment from the Alberta government. Amii was named one of the three national institutes in Canada’s AI strategy in 2017. As part of that strategy, the U of A spun out a not-for-profit arm of Amii to translate scientific developments into industry applications and to help organizations harness AI to increase growth and competitiveness.

An image of a logo for Amii

Launch of the Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning (later: Alberta Innovates Centre for Machine Learning), predecessor of the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute.


Richard Sutton founds the Reinforcement Learning & Artificial Intelligence Lab. 

Take our online Reinforcement Learning course


AAAI computer poker competitions. U of A team wins 23 of the 39 events over its first ten years.


Polaris poker bot beats human professionals at heads-up limit hold’em poker.


Drugbank spins out of the University of Alberta.


Heads-up limit hold’em poker is solved.

Image for Now

Where will the U of A take AI in the future? More importantly - will you be there with us?

Contact us


Launch of the Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning (later: Alberta Innovates Centre for Machine Learning), predecessor of the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute.


Richard Sutton founds the Reinforcement Learning & Artificial Intelligence Lab. 

Take our online Reinforcement Learning course


AAAI computer poker competitions. U of A team wins 23 of the 39 events over its first ten years.


Polaris poker bot beats human professionals at heads-up limit hold’em poker.


Drugbank spins out of the University of Alberta.


Heads-up limit hold’em poker is solved.


Where will the U of A take AI in the future? More importantly - will you be there with us?

Contact us

Ranked 2nd

in North America for AI

$100 million

in AI funding since 2017


Canada CIFAR AI Chairs

We Are

the 1st Computing Science

department in Canada

We create AI. We apply AI. Always at the forefront of the field, the U of A continues to drive research in reinforcement learning while harnessing AI in new technologies for cancer detection, wildfire prediction, decision making and so much more.

Board Games Research Group

Specializing in high performance search algorithms and game playing programs, the group created the first Go program to beat a top human player in 9x9 Go.

Games Research Group

The team designs, analyzes, and implements artificial intelligence for use in high-performance game-playing programs.

Intelligent Reasoning Critiquing and Learning Group

Focusing on AI research in real-time heuristic search, interactive story-telling and cognitive modelling, this group also has several special collaborations with other field leaders.

Medical Informatics Group

Collaborating medical researchers and clinicians, this group team works for more accurate predictions about future patients — covering cancers, transplant, diabetes, stroke and depression.

We Are

1 of 3 national AI hubs

of excellence in Canada


The University of Alberta is home to the oldest and one of the largest computing science departments in Canada, with an international reputation for contributing to both the foundations and applications of computing. Our commitment to AI education has us harnessing data to make new strides in almost every field — including finance, agriculture, health and beyond.

We Are