Strategic Research Initiatives Fund (SRIF)

A pan-university funding initiative to support enhanced research performance aligned with the University’s strategic research and innovation plan, Forward with Purpose.

About the Program

The SRIF will provide support to faculties, colleges and the Office of the Vice-President (Research and Innovation) (OVPRI) for projects that enhance research performance aligned with Forward with Purpose. The purpose of the SRIF is to:

  • advance institutional research goals articulated in Forward with Purpose towards building multidisciplinary capacity and collaborative communities of research,
  • support revenue generation from external sources to sustain research activities, and
  • enable researchers and the institution to engage with diverse external partners and communities.

University of Alberta research community members are invited to put forward applications to the SRIF Committee by way of their Faculty or College Associate/Vice-Dean Research or the Office of the Vice-President (Research and Innovation) (OVPRI) for two separate pools of funding:

  1. Pool A will be for one-time asks equal to or greater than $500,000 and is conditional on the success of an associated external funding application.
  2. Pool B will be for one-time requests between $50,000 and $499,000 that support smaller scale research activities such as seed and/or bridge funding that may or may not leverage external funding. Ideally, these projects will have the potential to grow into large institutional initiatives aligned with Forward with Purpose.

Please see the Eligibility to Apply for and Hold Research Funding Policy for more information about applicant eligibility and the Funding Opportunities Database for external funding opportunities.

Application Process

While intake of applications is continuous, there will be a specified deadline, related to the schedule of adjudication meetings, by which applications must be submitted for consideration in a given review cycle. For the schedule of upcoming committee meetings, deadlines, and a description of the review process please visit the SRIF FAQ page.

To apply, log in using your CCID to submit an application form. Note in the application form you will be asked where to direct your application for review. Please indicate whether your application should be directed to your Faculty (involves a single department or faculty) or College (involves multiple faculties or colleges). For applications that support institutional rather than individual research projects, please direct your application to the OVPRI. An application template is available to work on your responses offline prior to submission.

Have Questions?

Reach out to the program manager:
Dr. Rachel Hirsch