License Your Invention
Commercializing a university research innovation is one way to transfer that discovery and knowledge into real-world applications that create social and economic growth and value. Commercializing can take many forms, the two most common are licensing or creating a spinoff. Regardless which you choose, both begin with completing a Report of Invention (ROI). The university’s Technology Transfer Services (TTS) team can help you explore both options, and which is best for you. The University of Alberta's licensing process is outlined below, followed by some frequently asked questions.
If you think your research has created a new innovation, it is important to submit an ROI before any public disclosure about that discovery (e.g., publication, talk, poster) because that disclosure could affect your invention’s protection.
What is a License?
A license is a legal agreement under which an owner grants permission to another party (the "licensee" to use its property in return for compensation. In Intellectual property / technology licenses, there are generally terms and conditions including financial payments, restrictions on how, when or where the technology can be used and performance requirements to ensure that the technology reaches the market. Licenses can usually be terminated if the licensee fails to honor the terms.
How do I make a decision on whether or not I should assign IP to the UAlberta? Things to consider are outlined below. This is an important decision, contact the technology transfer services (TTS) team for more information.
Licensing Journey
Assign IP to university
TTS team assesses commercial and patent potential
TTS team initiates patent filing if applicable at University’s cost
TTS identifies and connects with potential industry partners in consultation with inventor(s)
University enters licensing deal with industry partner(s)
(e.g., 3% licensing deal: inventor gets 1%; university 2% to re-invest back into commercialization)
Keep IP ownership
Inventor arranges commercial and patent potential assessment
Inventor initiates patent filing if applicable at inventor’s cost.
Inventor identifies and connects with potential industry partner(s)
Inventor enters licensing deal with industry partner(s)
(e.g., 3% licensing deal: inventor gets 2%; university 1% to re-invest back into commercialization)
Licensing Frequently Asked Questions
I want a company to license my innovation
For technologies assigned to the university, 1/3 of the net revenue that U of A receives from a license is given to inventors. For technologies owned by inventors, 1/3 of the net revenue received by the inventor(s) is given to U of A.
University assigned IP: If U of A receives $3,000 in net revenue from a licensee, the university keeps $2,000 and gives $1,000 to the inventors.
Inventor-owned IP: If the inventor receives $3,000 in net revenue from a licensee, the inventor keeps $2,000 and gives $1,000 to the university.