RWTH Aachen University - Exchange

City: Aachen Country: Germany

RWTH Aachen University Website

Successful applications for exchange to this school happening in the 2025/26 school year will automatically be given a $1,000 award (no applications required)



  • RWTH Aachen University is one of the leading European universities in natural sciences and engineering and one of few German Excellence universities.
  • With 44,500 students (including 8,500 international students from 128 different countries), 126 courses of study and 260 institutes and research units, it is also the largest university of technology and natural sciences in Germany.
  • RWTH Aachen University is a place where the future of our industrialized world is thought out. Focusing on interdisciplinary collaboration, the university is proving to be a hotspot where innovative solutions to global challenges are developed.
  • Due to its excellent reputation the university maintains very close links to industry and accounts for the highest amount of third-party funding of all German universities.
  • The University's quality and innovative capacity is further reflected in the numerous business start-ups and the high demand for its graduates as junior executives and leaders in business and industry.
  • RWTH Aachen is convinced that in order to solve today's complex and multifaceted problems, universities must develop interdisciplinary, integrated approaches. One core element is the development and integration of Profile Areas (Computational Science & Engineering; Energy, Chemical & Process Engineering; Information & Communication Technology; Material Science & Engineering; Medical Science & Technology; Molecular Science & Engineering; Mobility & Transport Engineering; Production Engineering) , with the aim to further consolidate and enhance interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Aachen is a medium-sized, international city of 250.000 residents from 160 nations, whose lives are perceptibly influenced by its geographical location: As Germany's westernmost city, Belgium and the Netherlands can be reached easily within just a few minutes. Major cities such as Brussels, Cologne and Düsseldorf are just a short trip away.

Why don't you combine your participation in this exchange with participation in an internship as well? We could send you on an International Work Experience (IWE) internship before or after your exchange. If you are interested in going out on both programs send an email to asking for more details.

When Can I Go?

Terms Offered: Fall, Winter, Full Year

Term Dates:

Fall term equivalent: October - March

Winter term equivalent: April - September

Eligibility Requirements

Open to: All Faculties

Level: Undergraduate, Graduate

Students must have completed at least 2 years of post-secondary study before the start of the exchange.

See Eligibility.

Course Information

Language of Instruction: German, some English

Students wanting to take courses taught in German would need to demonstrate proof of at least a B1 level of German during RWTH Aachen's application process. A relevant certificate can be issued by the home university but should state clearly the level of German on the CEFR scale.

Most English-language courses are at the masters level and are offered predominantly at the following faculties or departments: Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Georesources and Materials Engineering, Business and Economics.

Field of Study: All

ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

RWTH Aachen University Credit Information

RWTH Aachen University Course Information

More RWTH Aachen University Course and Program Information

Students with academic and/or course questions are encourage to contact the departmental coordinator of the respective RWTH Aachen faculty.


RWTH Aachen University Accommodation

Program Contact

University of Alberta International, Education Abroad

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Funding Opportunities 

Students receive on average between $1,400-$2,000 in funding.

Over 80% of students who apply get funding.

Education Abroad Awards