e3 Berlin

City: Berlin Country: Germany 


Explore Berlin: Where Innovation, Culture, and Youth Converge!

The University of Alberta’s e3 Berlin program is your ticket to one of Europe’s most vibrant cities, where history and modernity blend seamlessly. Berlin is a city buzzing with energy—a place where young people from around the world come to innovate, create, and connect. With e3 Berlin, you’ll experience the perfect fusion of academic study and real-world work experience, all while immersing yourself in a city that’s famous for its creativity, diversity, and cutting-edge culture.

This program offers you the flexibility to design your adventure in Berlin, combining rigorous academics with practical internships that bring your studies to life. From exploring the latest in tech and business to diving into Berlin’s legendary arts scene, e3 Berlin offers an experience unlike any other—one that’s as dynamic and multifaceted as the city itself.

e3 Berlin combines:

  • German language study
  • Academic coursework
  • Internship placement (work or research)

"I would absolutely recommend the e3 program. It changes your perspective on the world and the impact of the trip is not confined to the 1, 2, or 3 months you spend abroad, but will continue to change you while you're back at home" e3 Berlin participant

When Can I Go?

Terms Offered: Spring, Summer

Dates & Duration:

  • Module I (German language): German language courses are TBD
  • Module II (Academic Courses): TBD
  • Module III (Internship): May-August, 2025*

*Internship dates vary based on host organization

Deadline to Apply:

  • e3 Internships: Nov. 8, 2024
  • Coursework only:  Feb. 2, 2025 (or until program is full)

Eligibility Requirements

e3 is open to ALL post-secondary students from all disciplines. Non-University of Alberta students are welcome to apply!

See more detailed Eligibility Requirements here.

Program Information

Language of Instruction: English, German

Note: Module III (Internship) cannot be taken independently. Module III must be combined with either Module I (German Language Studies) and/or Module II (Academic Courses).

Module I: German Language Studies (levels offered TBD)

Dates: TBD

Module II: Academic Courses

We are currently reviewing academic proposals for Berlin. Check back for more details!

"I interned with an international school and got to lead large groups of children in sports, act as a mediator for conflict, provide clear instructions for activities, and facilitate discussions. I learned to communicate across different languages, time management skills, and conflict resolution." e3 Berlin 2017 participant

Module III: Internship: May-August, 2025*

*Dates approved by internship provider

Launch Your Career with an Internship in Berlin!

Immerse yourself in Germany’s (and beyond) thriving professional landscape with a 6- to 8-week internship in Berlin from May to August. This is your chance to work with some of the country’s most innovative companies and organizations, applying what you’ve learned in the classroom to real-world challenges. Whether contributing to cutting-edge research, supporting dynamic start-ups, or gaining insights into government offices, you’ll make a real impact while building your global competencies.

Berlin is home to a diverse range of industries, and past internships have spanned research institutions, think tanks, non-profits, tech start-ups, and more. You might find yourself working in a design studio, museum, or local business, gaining valuable experience in a field that aligns with your academic and career goals. Plus, with opportunities available in both Berlin and other major German cities, you’ll get a true taste of professional life in Germany.

To ensure you get the most out of your internship experience, our local coordinator in Berlin will work closely with you to secure a placement that fits your interests and aspirations. They’ll support you every step of the way, ensuring your internship is as enriching as it is exciting.


"The people I met through the program was my favourite part of the experience. I know I'll be friends with many of the people for years, especially because we all returned home to Alberta"

Fees & Costs

e3 Berlin consists of 3 modules, which can be taken in different combinations. Students can elect to take 1 or all three modules. The amount students pay depends on the number of components students participate in. In addition, students will be responsible for all other costs such as accommodation, food, insurance, books, flights/transportation, non-instructional fees, and other personal expenses. Students can explore the different tracks available and estimated total program costs via the links below:

e3 Berlin Program Fees


Students are responsible for finding and securing their housing. Once accepted into the program. UAI will share a webpage curated by our onsite coordinator with some great tips! 


Program Contact

University of Alberta International, Education Abroad

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Funding Opportunities 

Students receive on average between $1,400-$2,000 in funding.

Over 80% of students who apply get funding.

Education Abroad Awards