Tenure Track Promotion Timeline

This page outlines the promotion process and timeline for Department of Medicine applicants. The Promotions Materials Checklist provides a downloadable checklist of the documents required for the application.

Promotion Materials Checklist

January - February
Early January

Eligible faculty are contacted by email.  They meet with their Division Director (DD) to discuss their application.

Eligible faculty compile highlights for Letter of Application and update their CV and Teaching Dossier.

February - March

Applicants assemble all remaining materials and meet with DD to review Letter of Application and List of Referees.

Mid March
Deadline for applicants to submit promotion package.
Late March

Promotion packages provided to AEC.

April - June
Late April - Early May

AEC meets to consider tenure and promotion applications.

Late May - Early June

Applicants informed of AEC recommendations to improve their package.

Mid - Late June

Deadline for applicants to submit revised promotion package.

Late June
Chair submits list of confirmed promotion candidates to Dean.
Late June - Early July

Chair contacts referees.

July - September

Referee letters are received.


Chair prepares letter to FEC and adds this letter to promotion materials which are sent to the Office of the Dean.

October - December
Mid-late October

Applicants receive a copy of Chair’s letter to FEC.

Late October - Early November

Applicants provide updates regarding significant activities since June.

Late November

FEC meets to consider all tenure and promotion applications.

Mid-late December

Faculty members receive decision letter from the Dean.

The next July
Approved promotions take effect on July 1 of the year following FEC approval.