Cole Feth

'16 BSc
Teacher @Alberta Education (and podcaster on the side)
Life-long learner and high school science, social and inclusive education teacher. Guy who hosts a podcast for funsies.
Q: What is your favourite memory from your time at Augustana Campus?
A: Our ACAC golf team defeating the Grant MacEwan golf dynasty and participating in nationals in Chilliwack, BC.
Q: What was your favourite class you took? What did you like about it?
A: Favourite class was sociology of deviant behaviour. This class, while I did not see it then, planted the seeds to question the self-imposed rules that were holding me back as a function of socialization.
Q: How did you spend your time outside of the classroom?
A: Most of the time was spent at the Encana watching or officiating Vikings and Kodiak games, as well as in the atrium doing anything but study.
Q: Who was your favourite instructor and what do you remember about them?
A: Rempel. His mode of delivery, deep insight and passion for teaching was infectious. I say this in spite of not getting a very high grade, too (ochem and my brain don't get along).
Q: How did your time at Augustana impact who you are today?
A: It taught me to approach experts and learn from them through conversation. This opened up a new method of learning and a curiosity for the world.
Q: What advice would you give to current students?
A: Enjoy learning everyday; it is a luxury. Take it seriously, but be sure to do the learning that happens outside of the classroom—that's the stuff that you take with you.