Dr. Katherine Smith

Dr. Katherine Smith

Katherine is a full time emergency physician and the Social Accountability lead for the University of Alberta Undergraduate Medical Education Program.

Katherine is originally from New Brunswick, and has made her home in Edmonton where she works as an ER doc and STARS transport physician. As the UME social accountability lead, she works with students and faculty to continue to integrate social accountability into all aspects of our undergraduate medical education program.

Vision for Social Accountability

Katherine is excited about the opportunity to collaborate with the steering committee and community members to ensure that the MD curriculum is training physicians who are representative of the communities they work with, and who are well prepared to meet the needs of all patients they encounter.

Hobbies + Interests

When not at work, Katherine and her partner can be found adventuring outside with their three young children in the river valley, in the mountains or at the playground. She loves cross country skiing, camping and playing ultimate frisbee.